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dinsdag 24 januari 2012


Satellite View of Air Traffic Worldwide

Page 9 of 161
was called President ("Nassi" in Hebrew)
in Jewish sources.
Trek Mijn Hoopvolle Opmerking over naftaniel hierboven maar snel weer in.

Bedenk net dat het voor naftaniel eitje is om even een mediarelletje te veroorzaken in samenspan met rabinaten wereldwijd om hem in een beter daglicht te plaatsen.Trap ook steeds weer in hun mediamanipulaties ook wegens het constante perstisteren stalken enbelagen wat tot Geestelijke verkrachtingsprocessen voert wat simpele sekte technieken van indoctrinaties zijn.Hebben immers niet om niks militaire instructeurs pschologische oorlogsvoeringen als omroepdirecteuren van Onze Kijk en Luistergelden ingekocht .

Immers die constante Homofielen Pedofielenhetsen zijn immers ook altijd maar weer hun idee en werken en dan via media en dan via kerken en dan via justitie tv etc.

Zitten steeds weer die zelfden achter van sjion.

Dan zitten rabijnen ook nog vol op in de politieke en raciale opruiigen en ophitserijen en Valse antisemitismen en onrusten kweken is het wel weer duidelijk en trek dus Mijn bovenstaand maar weer snel in.Dubbelstraf Voor de scrat!

Dat is Me allemaal wát te gelikt en gevoerd.

In 2009 kwam er wat uitleg  en educatie over het waar om van die Homofielen en Pedofielenhetsen door justitie en die discjockey maar liefst minstens eemaal per week uit de bakjes brakende.Toen stopte dat scheinheilige zootje snel en begon dat via burgerpartijen te organiseren en financieren als een henk bres een yvonne van hertum en stopkinderpornonu sites en Vaticaanhetsen. Als Men Echter BIJ ALLEN KOMT MET ECHT WERK Vallen de maskers Onvermijdelijk aan Diggelen Ook en JUIST BIJ HEN!

Áls er Partijen en Dapperen ZIJN Die Zulk Werk Én Getuigenissen WEL Toe Laten vallen die als Eersten door de hand van juist  justitie en handlangers onder ook en vaak juist Valse voorwendselen en aankluchtjes!

DAT IS Hier alsmede op Steeds MEER Plekken al Goed Geweten!

En dat naftaniel en media wetgever staat en justitie eeneiige tweelingen zijn weet ieder een al!En om maar gelijk bij Rascismen en Discriminatie te blijven nog allemaal van zelfde afkomst ook.

""Tweet: Als de rabbijnen van Europa homofilie een ziekte willen kunnen blijven noemen, is Jodendom net zo vies als Nazisme  Homofilie is geen ziekte maar een vorm en uiting van Liefde.
Helaas voor hem heeft juist het metier van die rabijn de schuld er aan dat ...
Geplaatst op 24 januari 2012 om 8:15 am | Permalink

Uiteraard staat dan brein in samenspan met hustlietsie zo als just ietsie ook samenspande met rechtbanken en het cidi en mdi van naftaniel die bij geheime lopende staatszaken ook al hoogste woord heeft en hebben ze gezamelijk Historisch Databasewebsite van het Net geveegd met Artikelen en Historisch Materiaal alsmede hen Sterk Belastende Getuigenverklaringen vernietigd.Een ovj van just ietsie velleman die bij de Democratie omzeilende gerechtsterreur tegen geert Wilders ook al een demonische rol vervulde en natuurlijk duivel naftaniel de Volks en Kinder heksenjager en inquisiteur.En een mdi dat Supposed een neutraal Rascismen en Discriminatiebestrijdingsgedoe Moest zijn maar Niét IS en daar om tevens aan Subsidiefrauden doet.

Dat zijn dus Geen Wetgevers en Dienaren maar alle staatsmiddelen Misbruikende en Heuze mafia en terroristenbende en cellen en nog Rascistische en Discriminerend DUS OOK!
Geplaatst op 24 januari 2012 om 8:00 am | Permalink

Ja inderdaad brein en “bepaalde specifieke”" Slachtoffers van ze!!!

Xs4all Staat Wijd en Zijd Bekend om Hun Sterke Hang Naar Een Vrije Wereld Voor Een Ieder en DAT is die joodse global maffensla een DOORN als het Kruis van Christus in hét oogje.

Zijn ZIJN immers al alle eeuwen die kristallnachtleute die Èn Christus Èn Galileo Galilei Leonardo da Vinci en Vele Velen Anderen op de Bandstapel aan het spit aan het kruis nagelden en Ons ér militaire instructeurs omroepen en een bijbeltje door hen geschreven en veel dooie zeetrollen bij voor terug gaf samen met de jaarlijkse aangifte en tienden.

Ik Meen Dat de aanval van brein(van een rat?) gelegen is in Het Charakter van Slachtoffer!!!
Is ze niet crimineel samenspannend genoeg net als ze al heel de media en journalistiek al in hun bordelen hebben weten te krijgen waar van u de spetters poep en prut dagelijks op Kunt Aanwonderen!

En wanneer komen een just ietsie en een brein een cidi een mdi etc nou eens langs bij bedrijven of eerder syndicaten die duidelijk op de hand van die meute zijn?

´k Bedoel een justitie een wetgever een rechtbanken een google een facebook een twitter een powned een cidi een mdi een een geenstijl een microsoft heel wat omroepen heel wat academien heel wat historici regisseurs etc etc hadden al lang in de Gevangenis Kunnen zitten wegens raciaal terrorisme en georganiseerde misdaad alsmede samenspan samenwerkingen faciliteren en vruchtmisbruik aan Genociden Mensen handel Kinder verprostitueringen en Misbruiken Misdaden tegen de Mensheid en oorlogsmisdaden
Geplaatst op 24 januari 2012 om 7:19 am | Permalink

Ik bedoel met al die miljarden die ze van Ons roven hebben ze Niét ÈÈn Kind Gelukkig en Blijk Kunnen Maken en ANONYMOUS Bemoeit zich ÈVEN ÈN Gelijk Zijn 40 van die varkens van het Net Geveegd! DAT ZEGT HEEL WAT!Over die overheid!
Geplaatst op 24 januari 2012 om 7:17 am | Permalink

Mischien is een Oproep aan Internet en diensten providers dienstverleners en Bedrijven om heel wetgever en justitie lam te leggen en te weigeren als Criminele Klant en in Gevallen Van vermoeden Criminele intenties en Ambts en Eeds schendende en georganiseerde Misdaadverbandsactiviteiten MAG DAT !?!!

Omkering Van bewijslastenlegging is Hiér Zeker Ook Wel op de Plaats.
Geplaatst op 24 januari 2012 om 7:08 am | Permalink

Denk niet dat brein er failliet aan gaat want immers ze hebben heel veel Geld…van hun Klanten dat ze maar niet aan die Klanten willen uibetalen en dat als schadedekking zullen Misbruiken.Tevens is brein staatsgedreven en opgezet door justitie en dus is een link naar rechtstreeks de staatskas al snel gelegd,Yvonne van hertum en henk bres( ex bordeelhouder via justitie voor hun Kinder lokkarretje gespannen) en wim dankbaar( die Getuigenen Tipgevers op Klokkenluideronline terroriseerde en saboteerde voor justitie en ook via justitie wegens heroinehandel voor hun kar kwam) zijn ook van dat soort door justitie(Lees joodse maffenja)even als een cidi mdi geenstijl powned etc etc gefinancieeerd en opgezet als terreurwapens tegen Volken en dan is er het heel aparte Kinder schendende Verhaal van dal die rabijnen ook nog.Waar van enkel in Nederland al 90.000 zeer rijk gesubsidieerd.Ga verder maar zien bij al die instellingen dat het gebruikelijk joden zijn van riaa cidi mdi justitie media powned geenstijl en brein en velen meer ook.Een jood heeft zwart haar en Blank lijkend maar scherpere trekken asiatisch met afrikaans en of kaukasisch egyptisch en of anders er bij of door heen.Maar in principe zijn We Slachtoffer van een Wereldwijd joods take over en Misbruik en onderdrukkingsoffensief waar bij ze Ons al wat eeuwen als slaven en hoeren hebben gehouden en willen houden lijkt het.
Mede is hun ergste terreurwapen die de holocaustclaims zijn aan het afbrokkelenen en botste laagste Leugens in het Universum Geblekenwaar ze dan ook al weg mee willen komen.En dan zijn er nog hun even Wereldwijde massa Kinder schenidgen en vergiftigingen Die per medio 2009 opvlogen door even Wereldwijde Aangiften en Waarschuwingen aan Alle Landen En Overheden.De vaticaanhetsen en vaccinatieterreur en veel gegil en hysterie uit israel ter verbloeming van die Misdaden was een der reacties.Alsmede de te kijkzettingen en publieke imtimidaties en belasteringen tegen de Politiechefs door bendelid cohen verhagen etc dat was die ze immers zelf als burgemeester en dus hoogste politielid zelf die verhogingen opdrong toen hij ze bij zijn plunderingen nodig had.

Sja dan zetten ze als omroepdirecteuren ook nog eens academisch opgeleidde militaire instructeurs psychologische oorlogvoeringen neer op alle kanalen en zenders om Uw Familie en Kinderen aan te kwaken en Liegen.

Als dat soort joden iets zeggen of beweren of supposed getuigen willen ze meestal iemand op een bepaalde manier laten reageren of ergens heen en in leiden iets aan doen of laten aan doen of anderzijds manipuleren en dat gaat of ging tot op TV Misbruiken van triggerwoorden die ze met verkrachting drugs en monarchtechnieken in Kinderen op schoolreisjes hadden aangelegd waar bij die rabijnen dan weer de Brainwash en martelspecialistenrollen vervullen en vervulden.

Reccesie ecomonie antisemiet rechtsradicaal fascist nazi homofiel pedofiel chinesen semieten zijn bij voorbeeld enkele van dat soort opzettelijk aangelegde triggers die enorme Onbewuste Angstreacties opriepen.

The Jewish Plan for Genocide of USA Whites

ISRAEL COHEN (1912) top of page

“We must realize that our party’s most powerful weapon is racial tensions. By propounding into the consciousness of the dark races that for centuries they have been oppressed by whites, we can mold them to the program of the Communist Party. In America we will aim for subtle victory. While inflaming the Negro minority against the whites, we will endeavor to instill in the whites a guilt complex for their exploitation of the Negros. We will aid the Negroes to rise in prominence in every walk of life, in the professions and in the world of sports and entertainment. With this prestige, the Negro will be able to intermarry with the whites and begin a process which will deliver America to our cause.”

Israel Cohen, A Racial Program for the Twentieth Century, 1912. Also in the Congressional Record, Vol. 103, p. 8559, June 7, 1957

Elizabeth Dilling

- In the Museum of the Revolution we were shown a huge world map. As our Guide turned a switch, lights came on indicating the places all over the world where Communist Party headquarters were then functioning. Proudly our Guide announced: “Our world revolution will start with China and end with the UNITED STATES.”
Geplaatst op 24 januari 2012 om 5:29 am | Permalink

Pedos zijn het probleem niet.Kinder verkrachters kinder pooiers drogeerders misbruikers handelaren verslavers geweldplegers echter heel wel.Kinder pronoproducenten ter afpesingvan politici en bestuurders hirsch ballin en donner deden alles om Getuigen van het Net te krijgen en heten dan ook WOBkiller donner en killswitchballin en zeiden alle jaren door dat de Kinder pornowebsites niet aan te pakken waren en zijn. ANONYMOUS BEMOEIT ZICH ER EVEN MEE en gelijk 40 van die stralen stront en uitschot -ALTIJD JOOD uitschot – Waren van het Net verdwenen.Providers bij wet dwingen zulke sites niet meer met anonieme betalingen te mogen plaatsen is ook wel wat en doen ze ook al niet.

Brein werkt niet voor hun clientele die immers geen Cent van ze terug krijgen die brein bij slachtoffers in beslag nam.Daar waren geenstijl etc duidelijk over . Die krijgen al jaren hun Geld niet en hebben rechtzaken Tegen brein lopen. Brein is een joods stalk en belaagwapen om Bevolkingen te corrumperen even als die Kinder porno uploads van hen zelf dat ook zijn en dan komen ze de Mensen “met wet” verder onverdacht afmaken en uitschakelen.

Zo heeft bill gates de jood medvedev aan het presidentschap geholpen door in Rusland alle computers van zijn Tegen standers in beslag te laten nemen onder allerlei voorwendsel van rechten.Het zal me dan ook niet verbazen als de slchtoffers van brein een bepaald slag Kiesgerechtigden of Mensen Zijn die bepaalde Getuigenissen of Uitspraken Deden en politieke Tegenstanders van de joodse mafiameute zijn die Onze Landen al vele decennia dwars door alle wet en recht heen van achter een facade van schijndemocratie heen besturen en beroven geleidt door hun globale bankenmafia.En meeste partijen zijn of van hen of worden door hen gecontroleerd en beheerst.Van vvd cda sp d66 gl cu tot heden pvv ook al.
Geplaatst op 24 januari 2012 om 5:26 am | Permalink
Uw reactie wacht op moderatie.

Pedos zijn het probleem niet.Kinder verkrachters kinder pooiers drogeerders misbruikers handelaren verslavers geweldplegers echter heel wel.Kinder pronoproducenten ter afpesingvan politici en bestuurders hirsch ballin en donner deden alles om Getuigen van het Net te krijgen en heten dan ook WOBkiller donner en killswitchballin en zeiden alle jaren door dat de Kinder pornowebsites niet aan te pakken waren en zijn. ANONYMOUS BEMOEIT ZICH ER EVEN MEE en gelijk 40 van die stralen stront en uitschot -ALTIJD JOOD uitschot – Waren van het Net verdwenen.Providers bij wet dwingen zulke sites niet meer met anonieme betalingen te mogen plaatsen is ook wel wat en doen ze ook al niet.

Brein werkt niet voor hun clientele die immers geen Cent van ze terug krijgen die brein bij slachtoffers in beslag nam.Daar waren geenstijl etc duidelijk over . Die krijgen al jaren hun Geld niet en hebben rechtzaken Tegen brein lopen. Brein is een joods stalk en belaagwapen om Bevolkingen te corrumperen even als die Kinder porno uploads van hen zelf dat ook zijn en dan komen ze de Mensen “met wet” verder onverdacht afmaken en uitschakelen.

Zo heeft bill gates de jood medvedev aan het presidentschap geholpen door in Rusland alle computers van zijn Tegen standers in beslag te laten nemen onder allerlei voorwendsel van rechten.Het zal me dan ook niet verbazen als de slchtoffers van brein een bepaald slag Kiesgerechtigden of Mensen Zijn die bepaalde Getuigenissen of Uitspraken Deden en politieke Tegenstanders van de joodse mafiameute zijn die Onze Landen al vele decennia dwars door alle wet en recht heen van achter een facade van schijndemocratie heen besturen en beroven geleidt door hun globale bankenmafia.En meeste partijen zijn of van hen of worden door hen gecontroleerd en beheerst.Van vvd cda sp d66 gl cu tot heden pvv ook al.
Geplaatst op 23 januari 2012 om 7:16 pm | Permalink
Zijn dat wel rechters?
Iemand al leden mafia door het hoofdje zweven gehad?
January 23, 2012 at 1:09 pm

Hier in zegt mullins dat Hitler en zion 1923 samen gingen en rothschild land in palestina opkocht wat ook weer streamed met de teksten op de munt die je hebt.Nazi is dus inderdaad en samenvoeging van nationaal en zion en volkomen joods enkel en alleen immers het duitse volk had er niets nationaals of sociaals aan dan kommer en kwel.Nu zeggen ook je munt en mullins dat.

De rothschilds die om rusland in bezit te krijgen enkel al 500 verenigingen en organisaties hadden opgericht in dat land om het te ontwrichten en over te nemen op alle machts bezits en bestuursfuncties waren met organisaties zo als de mdi cidi jdl dat ook zijn ook in duitsland al helemaal aanwezig met oa. jabotinksi betar en menorahmovements rond die tijd al en in mijn ogen hadden ze in werkelijkheid met de eerste wereldoorlog al duitsland in handen.

En was onderdeel van hun communistisch plan verovering van de wereld dat in china begon via rusland duitsland europa en de wereld waar van de communisten even als hun rabinaten vast ook niet wisten dat ze de bankenelite dienden en dienen. Het joodse volk weet niet vast niet dat ze zo al millenia misbruikt werden als monarchsoldaten voor de weelde en macht van enkele kasten adel of elite.Die hadden langs de Nijl al allemaal hun Bethlehems.Ze worden ook wel eens het ambtenarenvolk genoemd.Teken van enorme Zieleschaden.

Een activist van hen sobelson met bril en duivelse grijnz is zo wel te vinden op fotos van het trotskikamp in rusland als in de fotos van joodse arrestanten vanwege de kristallnachtrellen die ze in duitsland hadden aan gericht.
Dan waren de joodse ss en joodse bruinhemden nazijeugdfotos ook al gevonden op de israelische site en bleek de hitlerjugend joodse gezonde jeugd te zijn.Zaakje is ondertussen wel duidelijker dan hun holocaustclaims ooit mochten dromen nog eens te worden.
January 23, 2012 at 11:07 am

Zou het Kunnen dat naftaniel toch nog het verschil tussen Goed en kwaad is gaan Zien?
January 23, 2012 at 7:03 am

Ja Inderdaad en ook GOD´s Uitverkoren Schatje.
Voor Adolf Hitler
January 21, 2012 - 10:04 pm | Permalink
Some cultural recent 1958 tel aviv education they pamper Us with by educating their children to treat Us Very Respectfully for the shit filth and flys We are to them almost the same as they have their children write on the shells befor they fire them at some Defenceless and Unknowing Palestine Families.
January 21, 2012 - 9:58 pm | Permalink
Nog iets vergelijkbaars pipo en hedendaags 1958 én úit hún eigen mond.

Uiteraard is de vette markt van discriminerend rascist heer naftaniel hier niet te zien.Die schimpt liever  voetbalsupportertjes onder momenteel om dat die bij Waarheden Waar uit Blijkt hoe een boef hij zelf is niet meer durft op te duiken.Een mdi dat zich om subsidietechnische redenen als neutraal voor doet zal men ook bevinden te verzuimen.De behandelratio joods versus anders zou me wel benieuwen.Die kunnen nooit recht op subsidie hebben.
Jeroen de K. ✔
jeroendekreek Jeroen de K. ✔
Als de rabbijnen van Europa homofilie een ziekte willen kunnen blijven noemen, is Jodendom net zo vies als Nazisme…
6 uur geleden
Tweet: Als de rabbijnen van Europa homofilie een ziekte willen kunnen blijven noemen, is Jodendom net zo vies als Nazisme

Homofilie is geen ziekte maar een vorm en uiting van Liefde.

Helaas voor hem heeft juist het metier van die rabijn de schuld er aan dat het een zo eenzijdig omlaaggehaalde vorm heeft van voor al in de sexualiteit gelegen te lijken zijn.Zij waren het immers die de Liefde in Haar Vrije Vorm jaagden en vernietigden. Alle tijden voor en na Bethlehem deden ze dat ook in de vorm van kruistochten kersteningen en religiouse ook op christendom overgedragen  hetsen wat Misdaden tegen de Mensheid zijn.

Buitendien waren en zijn ZIJ HÈT ZÈLF die alle Kinderen hét meest in de Kont zaten en DÀT ÓNGEVRAAGD in jaarlijkse massaverkrachtingen met hun geweld martelingen en drugs. Hun ÓNGÈVRÀÀGDE besnijdenissen heuze Kinder verkrachtingen ter onderwerping aan de herodussen van deze Wereld.

Dat soort bemoeit zich wél 24/7 met Onze Keuzes MÀÀR HÈN Dé Aandacht Schenken VÒÒR WAT ZIJ uitvreten IS Prio nummer een      op Aarde wil oorlog tot een einde komen. Buitendien werden zij weer gevormd met monarchtechnieken door die sionelite ter onderdrukking van Volken met verkrachting en indoctrinaties en doen die dingen dus dwangmatig zonder verstand zonder Goede Wil.En ZIJN vernietigend en levensgevaarlijk daar in.Kinder Verkrachters en verwoesters en daar mee van Volken in Lichaam en Ziel.

Ze moeten eens ophouden met die Homofielen en Pedofielen vervolgingen die een heel ander reden en doel hebben dan de Volken denken.Laat ze maar Kinder Verkrachters Opsporen is Beter.

Blij te Mogen Zien dat er Ook al Rabijnen zijn Die dáár Tégen IN Op Stand Komen. Te Hopen Dat ze bezig Zijn die Wrede geest van herodus van Zich te Werpen.

Homofilie en Pedofilie Kent Vele Uitingen en Ook de Liefde van de Moeder de Vader Voor een Kind is Dat.De Liefde van Het Broertje Voor Zijn Zusje Is Dat. Die vervolgingen hebben enormste Leed en Havoc in de Gezinnen aan gedaan en de Kinderen Onvoorstelbaar Veel Leed gedaan de eeuwen door waar We zelfs met drietanden behandeld werden  en de Kinderen ook bij verdenking van Homofiel zijn. De daders verwisselen ook steevast Dat Wat Zij Werkelijk Zijn MET DAT WAT Een Kinder Verkrachter WERKELIJK IS EN heeft gedaan.

Daar naast is WAT Men Met Elkander DOET  En Verkiest Helemaal Niet Erg of beter of slechter Dan Wat Een Ander immers Ook ZELF Koos Mits Enig Voorbehoud en Dat Ook en JUIST Voor Die Ander  >

 ÈLke SEX Mét Wélke Lééftijd Dán Óók is Goéd 
Mits Ú Hét Mèt GOD Doét Én Liéfde Óók 
Úw Húidskleur Ùw Lééftijdén Ùw Formáát Úw
Vérschíl Óf Óvér Één Kómst Géén Bézwáár
Mits Mét Liefdé Én GOD Dán Maar in Vrijhéid Genóten
Én Vrij Àán Gébóden Én Niét Gévráágd Noch bevólen òók
Wánt Àndérs is Dát Vérkráchting
Én Hét Einde Ván Dé Schépping  Óók.

Mischien Dat de Slimmeren onder de Uwen Nu Gaan Beseffen Waar om er ZO VEEL Bloed Vloeide in Uw Geschiedenis en Men Shenandoah nooit Vond?
January 20, 2012 at 8:16 am
Zo mogen we ook wel weer verwachten dat de heer naftaniel helemaal warm wordt en de cijfers weer kan aandikken zeker?
Een echte antisemietbot die ze vast gaan omdopen tot rabijnbot
I hope you dont go into their bankaccounts or disturb their pensiondata because they could be in danger to have to search other jobs for income and pedofilevillages for shelter these poor politicians? And stay away from the stockmarkets you hear?
January 19, 2012 at 9:40 pm

Link geeft één nog maar voorbeeld om de internationale manipulaties van uit instituten instanties overheden en financien van meerdere landen tegelijk.Denk aan die olie politiek en bankentoestand ook.Mede komt dat verhaaltje dat de joden uit duitsland moesten vluchten en geen land ze wilde in een wel heel ander daglicht te staan als sommigen ze dan alleen en enkel maar naar israel wilde zien gaan ook om dat alle landsbesturen onder joods gezag stonden en staan? Herzl was lid van een wel heel machtige org óf dé broodschrijver net als marx daar van.
January 19, 2012 - 5:55 am | Permalink

Maby your Trouble is that you are no afrikan boer and just an other of the about 200.000 shitty cyberterrorist shitheads lieberman infested internet with per 2009 to can sabotage threaten and desinform Deasant Good People Like Me mr.cyberboer ? Just google cyberwars or such typos.
19 januari 2012 bij 09:04 · Reageren

Niek je opmerking specificeren zou mischien deze pagina helpen verhelderen.Zie je communicatiestoornissen dan of verkeerd begrepen ideeen of woorden?

Ben wel nieuwsgierig nu met nog er bij ik afvraag of ik dan ergens in de fout zit .
January 19, 2012 at 7:55 am

Ja Meneer
January 19, 2012 - 12:51 am | Permalink

Look some of the jewish united nation scams as mentioned above

““World War II facilitated the American acceptance of a global ‘peacekeeping” institution – the United Nations. After the U.S. had rejected the first attempt to create such an institution in the League of Nations, the Illuminati decided to create an arm of the Rothschild funded Round Table groups which could help influence western society towards the embracement of globalism. The original idea was to create an international special interest group of advisors that would promote a New World Order, called the Institute of on International Affairs. The plan eventually changed, the Institute was split up so that separate groups could influence separate governments without having the appearance of a conspiracy. These groups were formed at what are called the Hotel Majestic meetings. Baron #1 Edmond de Rothschild of France was the main force behind these meetings, and all the founders of these groups were men who had met with his approval. Chief of these was Rothschild agent Colonel Edward Mandell House.”

Some gathered Citations from the whale pages.

Same style Eu was brought by them also for money possesion and powertappings.
I Guess USA is also loaded with dussens of jewish hostile sabotaging bs orgs. Where the judaic religion what is no more than a mafiajewweapon plays a huge chunk through the ages in those matters.Racial jewwars and hostilities take overs depopulations and kolonisations by all means of evil and crime and through all institutions orgs and religions schools academias and media finance and lawabuses.etc etc EVEN the Wildlifefunds Wildparks 3th world and helporgs baron rotschild the trillionaire at the moment is to the rescue with a boat made of used bottles supposedly disquised as a poor begging hoodlum to safe some Nation from it´s Population? Of course under False flag as that is their mark of trades. They do the crime an other will do the time. I Wonder how they kill Them this time.
18 januari 2012 bij 23:23 · Reageren

Toen de rothschilds 200 jaar gelden aanvingen met 25.000 pond(waar vandaan?) hadden ze met vier jaar 40.000.000 pond.Als men even uitgaat dat alles zijn van gelddrukken en de renten er van moet het hoeveelheid bijgedrukte geld astronomisch geweest zijn.Dat dus al lang niet meer door die 20.000 werd gedekt.

Geld onmetelijk bijdrukken lijkt het probleem niet te zijn daar ze heden nog als een vis door het water klieven als zo wat enige van allen ook nog.Daar naast ook nog eens eigenaar geworden van zelfs werelddelen op die manier.Door bij voorbeeld zes procent rente zou men denken dat zes procent dan ook het hoogst haalbare zou moeten zijn.
18 januari 2012 bij 23:12 · Reageren

Er is chronische brede schuld.Gezien het geisoleerde opgroeiende individu de schuldenaar is en de financiele wereld alsmede politiek collectief is kan het zijn dat dit uitkleden door schuld opzet is. Het op steevast op aan de inkomensgrenzen houden van kosten prijzen en belastingen alsmede via politiek en belasting opleggen van inkomensgrenzen en weder inleveringen waar maar heel moeilijk aan te ontsnappen is zal dat ook al niet helpen beeindigen.Met schuld worden wij ook gemanipuleerd door de collectief opererende en plannende bankenwereld tot zelfs het aan gaan van oorlogen waar uit niet wij maar zij de winsten voordelen eigendommen en bezit macht en besturen stelen en roven. Geldleningen als roof en genocidewapen? Bedenk de gezondheid onder chronisch Angst om bestaan bij schuld en ondergangsdreiging dat meesten hebben vanwege tekorten en dagelijkse doemberichten al decennia en de laatste tijd weer.
January 18, 2012 - 10:05 am | Permalink

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Haha a Good Research Thank You!
Only statue in honor of king would be a vommiting dick I Suppose?
He was an alcoholic serialraper with a big crimerecord on that!

A jewcommunist Nationwrecker?
A jewish racial hateseedingweapon.Like their persisting lies and slander about WHO did the slavetrades also is some big one on Television schools and up to academia and politics who All buy the Bullshit and frauds.Holocaust Same game same rule.The debts of Nations same game same purpetrator .
So slanderer king and those lies about slavery make a damn good jew racial hateweapon.

Minister Farrakhan – History and Truth of the Slave Trade

Just a spirit they learn their youth for centuries already and was or is the spirit in Russia.

Yes fits in with the jewish take over of Russia through Finland starting by british bankerjews with help of british army around 1900´s where they flooded Russia with more than 500 groups of jewish activistorganisations like the menorah and betarjews from jabotinsky who already in the 1920´s were also abundant in germany France and Europe. Also the jewish rabbis play a very big chronic genocidal part in those racial terrorisms through the ages already. Just Look into what they say like last time that author of “the king´s torah” did to kill Our Children and Babies . Just some kind of religious massmurderers and warmongers who by rape abuse and torture and abuse of the schoolsystems churches religions and of the monarchtechniques set up masses of Children at it also. The chekaslaugterers are famous for what they did. Rabbis also the islamic versions are always highly educated academics with huge knowledge of tortures Brainwash and monarchtechniques.

Also the communistjews were present at the kristallnacht like a foureye sobelsohn who was part of the russian ethablishment and also showed up on fotos of the arrested jews who did set up the kristallnachtriots to make germany look bad in the international Community. Germany Fined the arrested jews and jewish German community with an amount of one Billion Reichsmarken for Damages and Penalty for what they did. Kristallnachtlike works they commit around the clock any where still. Like the start of war in Libia. In Syria. Twice already in Egypt.Setting up People against Governments and Governments against People and Nations against Nations.

Jews give any a nobelprice who suits their goals or who they are building for positions to come.

In My Opinion Germany already was taken over by jews with first worldwar.And abused to exterminate Germans Europeans and take over some more of Europe like Spain also. Jews also bypassing All Governments and Democracies layed up on Us that EU to draw any last Autonomy away including huge amount of Money Leadership and Influence and even any militairy power and Selfdefence. They like defenceless.

Jews shot king with consequenses that again gave them advantage. Like so many artists die young age and their agents get rich after that. Making them marturer and heros and enraging the races against each other BUT that jews!

THAT the FBI records ARE sealed IS jewwork again and alone. This REALY IS NOT in the Interrests of Your Nation.SO jewwork!

About their other racehateweapon nelson mandela also NEVER ANY criminal record Showed up Telling he is just an other piece of massmurdering evil shit that massmurdered hundreds of People at Trainstations with bombs. And inventor of the necklace …a cartire around the Neck and burn People. So they built and raised such weapons in Iran in Libia and in China already for works to come. A ban ki moon they introduced into the united nations what is also set up by the jews.Now it seems he robbed Us of one Trillion Euros.As Your Nation´s Count of theft and robbery by jews is past the 30 Trillion Dollarmark at this moment!

So BEWARE about anything with a nobelprice. They are among Us! And always nail your wallet to the Floor when You Go Asleep!
January 17, 2012 at 1:38 pm

Btw eugenetische genociden en massa en take over voortplantingen. Semietenen joden vechten hun oorlogen dus voornamelijk in Vredestijden.Als ze Volken in oorlog kunnen krijgen en dat al te vaak zo als je heel vast weet slachten en verkrachten ze achter de ruggen van de soldaten en aandacht de Mensen af en nemen alle machtsfuncties en besturen over of nog meer over als mede eigendommen bezittingen bankrekeningen en Gelden.En alle Kinderen onder de 12 jaar voor plezier en voortplanting.Zo zijn in de oorlog in Nederland ook 1.000.000 mannen en kinderen van 12 tot 17 door ze vermoordt > en hebben ze maar liefst 3.000.000 Aangiften Tegen zich gekregen waar van de eerste nóg door die kampbeulen behandeld moét worden terwijl ze zelf al 65 jaar een leugen gillen en er nog Geld voor willen ook.

En die naftaniels cohens en ashers maar geld en Gouden Vullingen tellen onder die lampekappen van Baby huiden op kussentjes van Mensenhaar.

Dat IS wat culturen van Mensen eters en kinder verkrachtersculturen collectief ook nog kunnen.Bronpsychopaten wat psychopaten zijn die dragers van kwaad zijn en Mensen en Volken besmetten er mee.Hun bestuursstructuren zijn gebaseerd op leiderschap van een persoon wat ze ook nog eens collectief als een leger doet ageren en handelen op bevel ook en voor al in de Ons als Vredestijden aangeprezen tijden.En dat internationaal ook.Zo manipuleren ze Ons dan ook nog eens helemaal gek van uit diverse regeringen en landen samenspannende zo als met antiterrorismenwetgevingen en die vermaledijde euro en banken-hun banken- perikelen. Hun beleid bestuur en politiek is verder ook volkomen munchhaussen wat betekent dat ze Volken ziek afhankelijk en behoeftig maken en daar op parasiteren om dat ze dan nodig zijn soms zelfs zich onmisbaar monopoliet en al te vaak alleeneigenaren van alles gemaakt hebben.
January 17, 2012 at 1:13 pm

Btw als je bij die oorlogsfotos en docus op de specifiek asiatische zwarte haren gaat letten in duitse leger en besturen trouwens russische gealieerde ook zal je nog verbaasd zijn.Als het blank lijt maar zwart tot ravenzwart glanzend haar is het joods .Alle nazivrouwen die na de oorlog werden opgehangen waren joods ook.Als ze ouder worden slaat het haar om naar wit zilverwit. Echte Westerse Autochtone Blanken zijn Blank rood of blond haar en groene of blauwe ogen en gebruikelijk iets zachtere rondere gelaatsvormen en daar zijn niet veel meer van.Mesten zijn door opzettelijke verkrachting minstens ietwat met joods bloed gemengd door geplande eugenetische genociden via DNA uitwassingen.Om mengele ook een askenasijood maar even van stal te halen.Semieten doen dat ook door en door massale voortplantingen.Gek als een deur en gevaarlijk.Landen bestuurd door de tbs kliniek.Van daar dat de Kreek zo veel klaagwerk aan ze heeft!
January 17, 2012 at 12:58 pm

Zo gingen ze in israel en internationaal ook tegen elkaar te keer.Tot massamoorden aan toe.En scheelde bij herhaling niet veel of israel en de li boretrtjes hadden ditmaal enkele honderden miljoenen joden werldwijd in een atoomoorlog verdampt.

Tegen Slachtoffervolken hadden ze gewoonte al eeuwen om na misbruik verkrachting en plunderingen om de zo veel decennia die volken af te slachten of in rampen oorlogen epidemien te gooien en dan terug te komen om alles weer over te doen en die volken zonder herinnering of geheugen getuigen of bewijs steeds weer van niks wisten wat ze overkwam.

Onderling hebben ze het zelfde ook als de semieten vertonen in elkaar af slachten en is een emanatie van hun kwade zielen tegen over alles dat ook maar een fractie anders is ook in eigen volken kerken en families zelfs.

Maar hitler was wel heel wat meer dan 1/4 joods.Zijn donkere ogen gezichtstrekken en asiatisch ravenzwarte haar zeggen dat die minstens 3/4 joods of beter en eerlijker askenasi asiatisch is.

Wat al die zuidelijke volken in hun zielen droegen toen ze 13.000 jaar geleden over de richel van de terug trekkende ijstijd kwamen noemde men zondvloed.
Geweld en verkrachtingen deden ze de das om.
Uw reactie moet nog worden gekeurd.
Sjef 17 januari 2012 op 12:59

Pfff zwaartekrachtlensen bestaan niet en einstein is FOUT!
Uw reactie moet nog worden gekeurd.
Sjef 17 januari 2012 op 12:55

En een stalen paal dan kunnen ze beter serierapen en trofeepissen.
January 17, 2012 at 11:49 am

Nog wel een voorbeeldje van hun breed voorkomende mentaliteit in alinea drie van je artikel waar bij voor al dat censureren ook in beeld staat.

Wat een zielig verhaaltje.Zou die nou bij elke letter gebruld en gesnotterd hebben?

“Zoek geen plek voor confrontatie”.Nee laat anderen doodbloeden door je gestook.

Aij geen kennis van geschiedenis . De semieten zijn massaal door je eigen metier ingevoerd of is er distantie met job cohen dat elite familielid van puisant rijke bankiers en consorten ?

Per zestiger jaren begonnen ze weer massaal ingevoerd te worden om uitgebuit en uitgevreten te worden en als ze door hadden bedonderd te worden werden ze aan de kant gegooid voor andere immigranten of beter geronselden en zijn we nu al bij polen die ook al bedonderd worden.

Was net nog een rechtzaak om met een joodse tuinderij eigenaresse.
Dus heel die massa import in de westerse wereld is jodenwerk.

En helaas voor jullie kinderen en meisjes is zo goed als elke molestatie van jongeren joodse jongeren die door afrikanen en moslims in elkaar geramd of verkracht worden of nou hier of in engeland.Maar goed dat interesseert meneer de winter niet zo als hij postuleert.

Alles kapot maken en dan de kuierlatten is hem liefst!
En dan nog dat zieke zelfmedelijden dat die aan smeert als nationale zaak?

In duitsland was die nog van een website af gegooid en die website gesloten door de bkr vanwege zijn rascistische gestook en gehaatzaai!
16 januari 2012 bij 23:24 · Reageren

Als dat uw reactie is op een gevarieert herhaald inhoudelijk uitleg en argumentatie is is dat inderdaad het geval.Ik zie dat als onvermogen het te weerleggen.

Om weer even op nog eens ander manier pogen af te sluiten.
“waarin tijd relatief is, ruimte relatief is en ruimtetijd absoluut”

Een zich zelf tegensprekende bewering in een zin.Dat is gelijkende op met factoren sjoemelen om het resultaat maar het zelfde te behouden.Lijkt me meer uit de accountantswereld en politiek te komen.
January 16, 2012 at 7:12 am

Ah einstein de grote zionismebehartiger van de twintiger jaren is net aan Flinters vanwege zijn Onware theorien.

Antisemitisme – heel fijn voor de global elite om een joods volk en Andere Volken Ook bang en geisoleerd te houden daar mee ze gemakkelijker over Aarde te jagen zijn.Polariserend Ook in vijandschappen Angsten en haat.
Antisemitismen daar mee We exact doen dus wát die al millenia in Volksmennerijen geslepen elite wil?
Ah einstein de grote zionismebehartiger van de twintiger jaren is net aan Flinters vanwege zijn Onware theorien.
Antisemitisme - heel fijn voor de global elite om een joods volk en Andere Volken Ook  bang en geisoleerd te houden daar mee ze gemakkelijker over Aarde te jagen zijn.Polariserend Ook in vijandschappen Angsten en haat.
Antisemitismen daar mee We exact doen dus wát die al millenia in Volksmennerijen geslepen elite wil?

Ja ÓF antisemitismen DAN Dé Oplossing zijn ÒF Een der Problemen? Dat Kan Beide Kanten Op en brengt dan altijd meer Leed.Beter dan Die elite Eens GOED het handwerk Gaan Verbruien en Dan IS Afname Van mogelijkheden Volksmennerijen Zo Als Gelden media mobiliteit communicaties georganiseerdheden arbeitsverboT verbod op toegang tot Kinderen via media tv scholen religien etc Een Pré? Aan die mafia als luitenants dienende serierapende rabijnen die professioneel kudden warmongers verkrachters en moordenaars via religien scholen en samenkomsten creeren Hebben We Niets.Dan Ook al hun subsidies Maar Intrekken? En de gelijkende  werken plegende ronnies Van deze Aarde Actief afmaken zo als dat in een beschaafde Wereld Die Zich veilig Wil Voelen Behoort Zou Ook Een Grote ECHTE Stap Voor de Mensheid Zijn!
January 14, 2012 - 10:19 pm | Permalink

Is the Website of brother Nathanael in Your Linklist Yet
Knows a lot about jewish culture and is difficult to hoax by them because he is jewish Himself and Grew up among them.

Among Other He Explains things like this

Also the Works of Frits Springmeier about monarchprogramming of Children Worldwide at Kindergartens churches sekts and subsocieties and elementaries and the 13 asian askenasijewish bloodlines who run most of the World´s wars and economies and were deeply involved in world war two and All others for centuries and originated from the faraos would Explain some of the as Red Line Historyhook usable Traces and Explains Some of Worlds stages and Happenings. Some Citations from it Concerning Worldwar two –
January 14, 2012 at 9:51 am

“en Nederland wil de Joden geen excuus aanbieden voor de Holocaust.” ?

Pfffff VOLKOMEN TERECHT. De joden Hebben Excuus aan te Bieden aan Nederland voor de Holocaust op 1.000.000 Kinderen en Mensen in ww2 en op meerdere miljoenen na de oorlog.Tevens voor de internationaal 90% NIET joden die in die kampen omgebracht zijn NA die oorlog DOOR joden!Dan Staan er NOG eens meer dan 80 Miljoen En Meer dan 1000 na die oorlog door hen plat gebrandde Steden en 3,5 miljoen Duitse en Poolse Burgers Die met tyfus omgebracht zijn in de Wachtrij voor JOODS communaal EXCUUS
January 14, 2012 at 9:22 am

Your comment is awaiting moderation.

“The Astor’s also were behind the appeasement policy in Europe which allowed Hitler to become a threat. ”

“Note also that the Warburg’s, who work so closely with the Rothschild’s, are descendents of Abraham del Banco, an old banker in Venice. The Warburg’s in turn are related to the Rosenberg’s of Kiev, Russia. Some of your old aristocratic Russian occult bloodlines were the first to financially help Hitler’s fledgling Nazi Party.”

“Their son Harry Payne Whitney married Gertrude Vanderbilt in 1896. Their son (and remember he still has Collins blood) Cornelius Vanderbilt Whitney married Marie Norton who later married W. Averell Harriman (unit. into S&B in 1913), the man who helped finance Hitler to power. ”

“The Harriman’s also helped bring the Bush family from oblivion back in the early 1920s. When Prescott Bush (George Bush’s father) lost all his money in the 1929 stock market crash, the Harrimans again came to financially helped Prescott Bush back on his feet. During the 1920s, the W. Averell Harriman, Prescott Bush, Fritz Thyssen and Friedrich Flick created several entitles to help finance Hitler and to produce the weapons Hitler would need to fight W.W. II.. One of these companies was the German Steel Trust (in German called Vereinigte Stahlwerke. This company produced 35% of Nazi Germany’s explosives, 50.8% of Germany’s pig iron, 38.5% of Nazi Germany’s galvanized steel, 36% of Germany’s heavy plate, 22.1 % of Germany’s wire, and many other things essential for Hitler, if it had not been Harriman’. and Bush’s money helping Thyssen who was Hitler’s major backer, Hitler would never had been able to have launched W.W. II. Thyssen even wrote a book in the 1930. I paid Hitler (now rare) telling about how he financed Hitler and the Nazis beginning in Oct. 1923. As I have said numerous times Hitler was of the Rothschild bloodline.”

“In fact, the full extent of the power of the top 13 families is far greater than what I am able to communicate. This is because of their skill at secrecy. Allow me to explain. It was no accident that Hitler’s Rothschild blood was hidden. A common practice among the top 13 families is to have an important child secretly or quietly without fanfare, and adopt the child out to another family. The child then takes on another last name, which hides the genealogy, in the occult ceremonies, the biological parents will step forward. ”

“John Foster Dulles was the man at Versailles Treaty who can be credited for having created the Treaty’s harsh terms against Germany that ruined Germany financially after W.W. II. And yet this same man, John Foster Dulles, was the person who secretly went to Hitler to confirm to Hitler that the elite would financially back Hitler’s rise to power. If Hitler were anything like our image of him, Hider would have rung his neck, here before him was the man who made Germany suffer. why was Hitler friendly with this man? It makes no sense, unless people wake up to what is going on. The answer is that there is a conspiracy of those who are at the top to rule us, and to guide us toward a New World Order, and they are quite willing to sacrifice whole nations to do that.”

“The Perons have a great number of Nazi & Satanic connections/activities. If you get into studying about the Perons you will come up with names such as Josef Mengele (a Satanic Nazi Doctor), Dr. Fritz Thyssen, and Otto Skorzeny. Onassis had sexual liaisons with Evita Peron, who was a platinum blonde. Onassis had Nazi connections that continued his whole life, as did the Perons. For instance, one of Onassis’s Nazi associates was Hjalmar Schacht, president of Hitler’s Reichbank, who Onassis hired after the war. Schacht helped Onassis’ shipyards in Germany build tankers after W.W. II. ”

“Onassis was an extremely close friend of Winston Churchill. The Freemason Winston Churchill is a descendent of a family that has been part of the elite that have secretly run the world. Winston Churchill on several occasions told Onassis that the only one he could trust in W.W. II was Joseph Stalin. (This is a far cry from the picture given in history books.) Winston Churchill spent a great deal of time on Onassis’s yacht Christina. Onassis was also friendly with Winston Churchill’s friend of Bernard Baruch. It was Bernard Baruch who convinced Winston Churchill to join the Illuminati conspiracy. He asked Churchill to come watch something important in NY in 1929, and then he showed Churchill how they could destroy the Stock Market. That show of power brought Churchill on board. “( Om AMerika de oorlog die zou komen in te trekken)”"

“One of the most telling paper trail signs that the conspiracy has left behind was an executive order that FDR signed just after Japan bombed Pearl Harbor. This executive order was a semi-secret amendment to Trading With The Enemy Act which made it LEGAL to trade with the enemy if the Sec. of the Treasury (then Hans Morganthau) gave permission. Morganthau was a tool of the conspiracy, and of course he gave permission to the top Illuminati to trade with the enemy. (In 1983, a book came out Trading With The Enemy which exposes how the elite secretly kept Hitler going by supplying him, rebuilding his communications etc. Onassis as an Illuminati king worked with other elites Rockefeller, Kennedy, Getty to quietly make a profit and keep the war going longer. Onassis sold oil and guns to both sides. ITT telephones were used in German submarines. ”

“Adolph Hitler was also a secret member of the Rothschild lineage. Hitler carried out blood sacrifices to open his mind up to high level demonic spiritual control. Rockefeller sold Hitler oil during W.W. II via Spain to keep W.W. II going longer. The history in that book mentions people that the “history books” given the public don’t– like Michael Augustus Martinelli Von Braun Rheinhold, the most powerful Satanist in the world a few years ago. Michael Augustus Martinelli Von Braun Rheinhold had 66 Satanic Brides. And that Satanic book in the Mothers of Darkness castle also mentions the Rockefeller bloodline. Only insiders are supposed to know the real history of what has taken place in human history. The real decisions and the real movers and shakers have been hidden from the public’s eyes. What the public is given is a stage show where Illuminati puppets parade around and make big speeches according to their script. ”

“If someone wants to understand how and why decisions are made in world affairs and by who– then you need to study the Illuminati. The real answers do not rest with the proceedings of the Congress of the United States or with the publicly known leaders of the Communist countries. An example of what I am talking, there is a book entitled “Who Financed Hitler” by James Pool and Suzanne Pool. I am always glad to see that some people are wiling to look behind the scenes. Believe me, there were people that Hitler listened to. They were the people he went to ritual with, and who put him into power.”

“The Rothschilds (and other top Satanic families in a lesser way) financed a Jewish Mason and devote Satanist named Karl Marx to write his Das Kapital . The Satanists controlling key Masonic groups (along with some other groups they controlled) got Communism started.”

“Both Bailey and Hitler studied from Tibetians, Hindus, occultists, and black magicians. They also both studied the Gnostics, and every major Pagan/Occult religious system. A example of how valued the Swastika was for Freemasons before Hitler ruined its image, is a quote from Joseph Fort Newton, a Baptist Minister and high ranking Mason, “The second of these volumes also contains an essay. . . by Thomas Carr, with a list of Lodges, and a study of their history, customs, and emblems- -especially the Swastika .”

“As Hitler’s demonic attack on the Jews progressed, one would imagine that the Zionists would come to the rescue and offer Palestine as a safe haven. Not so. Many European countries shut their doors to the Jews, including the Palestine colonies. The Zionist controlled immigration laws in Palestine were very strict and it was near impossible to escape to the Jewish homeland. In fact, the Zionists refused to admit there was a Holocaust going on although evidence points to them knowing! I suppose in their minds it was ok to sacrifice a great number of Jewish lives in order to promote the idea of a Jewish state. To the elite the Holocaust was like shooting dead a herd of cattle to receive the insurance payment. Said Michael Seizer in his book. ZIONISM RECONSIDERED: “Not even the events of 1933 aroused their [Zionism’s] political interest. They were naive enough to see them as a God-sent opportunity for an undreamt of wave of immigration to Palestine.”

“When the Zionist Organization against the natural impulses of the whole Jewish people, decided to do business with Hitler, to trade German goods against the wealth of German Jewry, to flood the Palestine market with German products and thus make a mockery of the boycott against German-made articles, they found little opposition in the Jewish National Homeland, and least of all among its aristocracy – the so-called Kibutniks.”

Hitler forced the Jews to wear the six-pointed star as a sign of shame. It was this same symbol that the Rothschilds were named after and the same symbol that the Zionists promoted as a symbol of Jewish national identity. Do you see the contradiction? Said Jewish author OJ. Graham in THE SIX-POINTED STAR: “Not all the concentration camp victims were Jewish people. Many were Christians. Spiritually, a parallel can be seen in the rituals to Ashteroth and Moloch, where the victims were burned as sacrifices to these false gods. Were the victims of the Nazis someone’s sacrificial offerings?” I believe they were. Remember the six-pointed star was the symbol of Moloch and Ashteroth. ”

“At first Germany had a significant disadvantage if they were to embark on a second world war. The nation had a fuel shortage, but the Illuminati fixed this problem. The Germans were able to fight WWII through the use of synthetic fuels that were created by the hydrogenation process (turning coal into gasoline).

This process was discovered by I.G. Farben. Hydrogenation technology would not have been fully developed by WWII, but I.G. Farben made a deal with Rockefeller’s Standard Oil, who was able to complete the research, facilitating the war. Interestingly, I.G. Farben plants were not targeted by the bombing raids on Germany. By the end of the war the refineries had experienced only 15% damage. William Dodd, American ambassador to Germany before WWII, wrote President Roosevelt: “At the present moment, more than a hundred American corporations have subsidiaries here or cooperative understandings. ‘The DuPonts have their allies in Germany that are aiding in the armament business. Their chief ally is the I.G. Farben Company… ‘Standard Oil Company … sent $2,000,000 here in December, 1933 and has made $500,000 a year helping Germans improve hydrogenation technology] … ,,The International Harvester Company president told me their business here rose 33% year, but they could take nothing [earnings] out [except in goods]. ‘Even our airplanes people have secret arrangements with Krupps. ‘General Motors Company [which was controlled by the J.P. Morgan Group] and Ford do enormous business here through their subsidiaries and take no profits out.” Germany needed the capital of these, and many more American companies in order to wage a war. I.G. Farben had a holding company in the United States called American I.G. Farben. Paul Warburg, his brother Max (head of Germanys secret police during WWI), and Warburg agent Herman Metz were some of the members of the board of directors of the American I.G. Farben. Other directors included Rockefeller/International banking men (Edsel Ford, Charies Mitchell, Walter Teagle, etc) . Three Germans on the Board of Governors were convicted as war criminals after the war, but the elite Americans fore-mentioned were not, even though they participated in the same criminal decisions as those who were punished. According to author Eustice Mullins, Hitler met with Allen and John Foster Dulles in 1933.

The Dulles brothers were acting as legal representatives of Schiff and Warburg’s Kuhn, Loeb & Co, which was an Integral part of the Rothschild network. Mullins claims Kuhn & Loeb had extended large short-term credits to Germany, and needed to ensure the repayment of these loans. The Dulles supposedly assured Hitler he would receive the funds necessary to be installed as Chancellor of Germany, if he promised to repay the debts. One of the largest tank manufacturers for Germany was Opel, which was controlled by the J.p. Morgan Group. Another company connected to the J.p. Morgan Group was Bendix Aviation, ‘which supplied data [to Germany] on automatic pilots, aircraft Instruments and aircraft and diesel engine starters.’ The examples go on and on. There is much more that could be written on this subject. The manufactured Pearl Harbour attack allowed Roosevelt to enter America into the war. A second world war had been created by the Illuminati, with the help of the Rothschild/Morgan/Warburg/Schiff syndicate. After the end of the war, the Tribunals that investigated Nazi war criminals censored “any materials recording Western assistance to Hitler,” said historian Antony C. Sutton.”

“World War II facilitated the American acceptance of a global ‘peacekeeping” institution – the United Nations. After the U.S. had rejected the first attempt to create such an institution in the League of Nations, the Illuminati decided to create an arm of the Rothschild funded Round Table groups which could help influence western society towards the embracement of globalism. The original idea was to create an international special interest group of advisors that would promote a New World Order, called the Institute of on International Affairs. The plan eventually changed, the Institute was split up so that separate groups could influence separate governments without having the appearance of a conspiracy. These groups were formed at what are called the Hotel Majestic meetings. Baron #1 Edmond de Rothschild of France was the main force behind these meetings, and all the founders of these groups were men who had met with his approval. Chief of these was Rothschild agent Colonel Edward Mandell House.”
Pechthold ja die noemde de Bevolking de ondersoort dus superiour zal die wel spelen.Zijn salaris is dat dan ook wel helaas.Is hij soms familie van pwa daar die op 1:41 zo op hem lijkt? Smerige AIDSnaaldaanslagpleger(op Jan Maat)en Kinder serieverneuker en drogeerder.Niets Waard dan in de TBS kliniek gedegenereerde Gevallen sexueel delinquent en gefrustreerde napoleons met zijn emailscams en lsdkwinten!
January 13, 2012 at 5:35 pm

Nog wat precious zielige semietencultuur

Was Vast de Moeder van Ayaan Hirsi Ali
13 januari 2012 bij 16:12 · Reageren

Nog meer Spelbrekers voor elke Afspraak Samenleving en Cultuur.!
January 12, 2012 - 3:39 am | Permalink

Oh My is that such jew they talk about?
Is that spielberg?

SO that holoco$t started in new york?

Exterminationcamp new york …that one was not on the list yet …I assume claims will now come roling in?

Also convenient for I lie wheazel who lives next door so easy claim.
January 12, 2012 at 9:42 am

Wil niet veel zeggen …maar …die foto …is dat een wietplantage?
January 12, 2012 at 9:07 am

Dat is wel een joodse dame.En joodse dames worden per krat politici bestuurders magnaten posities redacties aan gesmeerd om ze 24/7 onder controle te hebben net als Joop den Uyl moest ondervinden na ze hem 1967 konden klissen met wat Kindermondjes waar ze zo sterk in zijn.

NRC is totaal verrot en laten ze geen enkel comment toe dat Waarheden omtrent Vele Maatschappelijke Misstanden Fraudes Wijkterrorismen en Rascismen Weergeeft en is een Heus jodenblaadje en die zijn enkel bedoeld om te mennen bedonderen en manipuleren en de overnames van de Wereld te helpen die in Rusland (weer een keer)begonnen begonnen met de inname en take over van ALLE media 200 jaar geleden al!

Kan dus zijn dat ook deze dame door de beruchte joris demmink gerecruteerd is en aan gesmeerd.Zo als die zielige bahrami in Iran stenen (Good for Iran) voor haar kop kreeg om dat ze in werkelijkheid een mossadagente was die oproer moest produceren zo als ze Egypte Libie Syrie Engeland en hier ook gedaan hebben en die was hier gepakt met 14 kg harddrugs(en weer vrij gelaten) en daar weer met 2,4 kilo wat ze misbruiken om opstandelingen te recruteren en vormen zo als ze dat ook op schoolreisjes tegen Kinderen Misbruiken.

Zo zijn occupy charly veitch en nigel farrage ook oproerkraaiers uit hun kamp en vraagt NIEMAND zich eens áf HOE die farrage toch zo veel over alles en nog wat KAN weten die visionaire superheld ….ván joodsen bloede en in werkelijkheid farakan hetende!

Als ik bleeker was zou ik haar een rotschop geven want vaste procedure van die kwallen IS om verdergaande te corrumperen en wel zo veel onherstelbaar mogelijk voor maximaal grip en die methoden zijn heel zacht gezegd catastrofaal naast nog ernstigst gevaar om Familieleden en Kinderen die ze dan niet chromen ook te misbruiken voor al en nog wat.Kinder pornofotos is nog wel het minste dat daar van kan komen.

Kan zijn dat ze gestuurd is om dat bleeker van hun belang(bankenbelang en Ons zo veel mogelijk in schulden te gijzelen en Monddood maken om wat ze deden) afweek of dreigt te wijken?

Jammer dat NCTb ook al zo joods is want die hadden nu wel in actie Mogen Komen.Maar die hebben het te druk om met uni Utrecht ncrv met hun omroepdirecteuren militaire instructeurs psychologische oorlogvoeringen en jeugdzorgen Valse rapporten te produceren om hun mkultra en monarchsmeerpijperijtjes op schooltjes…en Weerloze Ouders te belagen en de schuld om hun eigen Schandpartijen met de Kinderen te geven … en natuurlijk academisch verantwoordde wetenschappijk bewezen “fascisten” te traceren (behalve ´s ochtends als ze zelf in de spiegel kijken)

En crimelijster teeven met zijn lijst corrupte bestuurders is natuurlijk helemaal al een faillisement.

Ivo Safe Us …?:(

Hello …hello?

Twan …twan huys dán ? Oh Nee die ntr van hem is op moment weer te druk om Heel de bevolking en Kindertjes te bedonderen met hun Bedrog willens en wetens over WIE werkelijk de holocausts bedreven en WIE Werkelijk ALLE slavernijen bedreven…dat is hard werken natuurlijk dat RASSENHAAT ZAAIEN EN VALS beschuldigen op weelderige Kosten van ONZE Kijk en Luistergelden?
Vreemd 2 seconden geleden
Waar om doen ze eigenlijk niet even een test op honderd of tien meter van de Bron?

Dan zou die discrepantie zonder gps er ook moeten zijn en veel zekerder
Vreemd 1 uur geleden
@Vincent donderdag 13 oktober 2011 16:58

Kun je helemaal vergeten Vincent > wetenschap even als politiek IS DE nieuwe religie van de 21ste eeuw.Al 100 jaar geleden omgebouwd tot religious politiek seperatiewapen om ook daar mee eigen elitevoordelen veilig te stellen en even als scholingssystemen wordt het als raciaal seperatie en discriminatiewapen misbruikt om Natives en Autochtonen in de onderlagen te behouden ten dienste van hen zelf.

Al eens voor gesteld dat ALLE maatschappeijke en politieke agenda kunstmatig aan gedaan is?

Tevens breekt over al waar ze hun schooltjes en kerkjes komen aan leggen binnen kortste keren de pleuris en drugsverslavingen uit.> >

Vreemd 3 seconden geleden
@leo zelfs een nobelprijs krijgen is een raciaal discriminerend teken aan de wand en al ik weet niet HOE land een raciaal politiek Misdaadwapen.

Neme Nelson mandela die in werkelijkheid 30 jaar had vanwege massamoorden met bomaanslagen op Kinderen mannen en vrouwen op de overvolle treinstations

Neme martin luther king een serieverkrachtende alcoholist met een strafblad als een wc rol

Neme bahrami die in Iran berecht is en ze hier ach en wee om riepen en in werkelijkheid een mossadagente die hier al met 14 kilo harddrugs was gepakt (en vrij gelaten) en daar nog eens emt 2,4 kilo wat was om Burgeractivismen daar van de grond te krijgen a lá Egypte Syrie Libie Engeland en Hier ook.Just an other haatzaaiwapen van de israeliet.

En zo is er nog wel een ellenlange lijst van hun Schanddaden.O.a. >
January 12, 2012 - 12:34 am | Permalink

“”am a cultural anthropologist so I checked out as many references as I could and they were all authentic…. There are some fresh insights into the role that the Jewish merchants played in the genocide against Native American Indians. It was a Jewish merchant that supplied the infected blankets and handkerchiefs to the English. So that they could reduce their numbers on the East coast of America with small pox.”"
January 11, 2012 - 11:28 pm | Permalink

Oeps that httptrouble again


Btw ALSO about slavery jews spread the word all around White Fogs would ever have engaged in these markets.

NO SIR EXACTLY as with the holocausts AGAIN they ARE THE ONLY ONES and in Fact the Whites WERE the Ones that were dragged out of Europe for over 8000 years by THEM by afrikans by asians and islamics and THAT IS WHY they find Our Bones in China 8000 yo and WHY the japanese draw so many White Girls red and Blondehaired AND what happened to Them in their fantasydrawings.Even sumerians dragged Us out of Europe 5000 years ago in big streams of fresh meat!

AS they threw Us from Europe Russia Britain Scandinavia Ireland on the shores of Amerika from befor 300 years BEFOR ANY HISTORYWRITINGS about ANY usa Naked raped and robbed SO they throw huge masses of “immigrants” they chase out of their Own Nations on Our Shores now and still as perpetume Nation and stabilitywrecker to can have as much as possible power and can rule the masses Who are in steady Poorness chaos and destruction.

Some Remnants of Truth >

Minister Farrakhan – History and Truth of the Slave Trade

NOT ONLY Truths about the holocoaustfrauds they are anihilating chronically as way of life but like Real little Nasty kristallnachpeople ALSO EVERY OTHER Truth about Reality AND THEM ESPECIAL.

EVER Noticed they DO NOT EVEN Appear on Crimestatistics at the SAME TIME having HIGHEST Criminalcontent or numbers OF ALL?
January 11, 2012 - 11:01 pm | Permalink

Also outbursts of lice are Sign abuses are going on at schools.Lice are not easily transmitted by play or social contact BUT ARE STD´s sexually transmitted deseases! WHEN lice around because of the lice´s habits Possibly dna of the purpetrators is in those lice!
January 11, 2012 - 10:53 pm | Permalink

Yes even while they as THE Websitecensors of all the Globe KNOW BEST the Truths about the war and holcaustclaims are just going on deceiting and poisoning the Souls of Children Worldwide and also on Television they keep going on.

They for centuries know that EVERY TRUTh simply will the drowned and sufficate by their persistence of lies with some threats and voilence here and there what also IS Spiritual massrape of Nations and the World.Such ways produce stockholm or helsinkisyndroms as Nation.Easy and obedient slaves.Such techniques any way are the main reason We believe those holocaustclaims so dearly.Because of mkultra and monarchtechniques at Kindergartens and elementaries.

SO this IS deliberate seeding of racial hate and fears and putting up to violence and rage against Innocents underwhile them selfes as purpetrators with a whole bunch of racial atrocities getting away with it because of also those persisting lies and slanders.

There is a treaty of New York Supposed to Defend against SUCH EVIL.But first Sign of any GOOD from it stil has to be Found!

I do not know how deep you are into activism but maby have some one going into justice or police to Report them for hateseedings terrorist and frauduleus activities could be of help?

BUT BE WARE they are EVERYwhere also in police also and especial in justice and lawsystems churches and schools . So there We are Defenceless and imprisoned as We always were from the start 13.000 years ago.It never was different all the times.

They ARE a from the faraos and even FAR befor originating sekt raised by centuries of cultviolence rituals rapes abuses and mad deseast religions AND there for also spread CULT or SEKT ways around. Because of the thousands of years ALL of Our(autch) societies including religions ARE based on it what does much extra damage by culturally lawfully and stateformlike internalisations and keeping alive of these Crimes against Mankind and them selfes.

So in a trauma One can find complexes about a asian or jew who was ritually raped by aramese jews 5000 years ago and today still EXACTLY the SAME ritual will be commited or obeyed to it. Most trauma or complexes are SO collective EVERY One GOT THEM.Most as slaves and usually Lifelong Victims or Populations.

Here some of their other atrocities they abuse or abused en MASSE in Kinder gartens and Elementaries. > WHEN Suspicion of Crime abuse molestations or their rabbis are around who are Baby and Child rape AND TORTURE professionals on behalf of these parasitic ways then usually Signs of heroin ghb lsd chemicals poisons like strycnine scopolamin ARE present in the Babies and Children besides Cervixscars and other openingscars swellings and predispositions toward jews and or islamics like devotion or heavy fears to talk about them or even can hear words like incest antisemite rightwing radical pedofile homofile law holocaust and more

…ALL words They will be learned by rape drugs torture fists and rape to fear for Life it Self.Making Them humble little very devoted dicksucking servants also usually for life.THESE words are inserted to can subdue manipulate and command the Population BY TRIGGERwords that these are.

Also Spreading Information Like I Tell Here around the Neighbourhoods and schools (Take Care of Identity and Your Where abouts You could wind up death befor You know it) usually does some shellshocking Good.

ALSO TAKE CARE most purpetrators ARE jewish judges jewish prosecutors jewish policemen jewish teachers and directors jewish politicians and MAYORS jewish doctors and medics jewish mediatycoons and newsreaders.So Danger all around!
Maby You can stil Find pre war insekticide commercials about (z)cyclon b as We have in Our Newspaperarchives?

A lice treatment to desinfect clothes took 24 hours and was neccesary to fight of several deseases.In a recent experiment concerning those demonic holocaustclaims a group had then selfes lockes up with cyclon b and All came out alive. A killerchemical that takes 24 hours seems nog to be succesfull for industrial exterminations.

jewish elite especial those allied with banking and academia started around the 1900´s with help of british army to infade Russia and took over and neXt they took polen AND Germany during world war ONE already

By causing world war two they took over the rest and ALSO FROM WITH IN Germany.By war and exterminations from with in also depopulating and take over the Nations  under many kind of excuses. Like they do now afghanistan Irak Libia Jemen Somalia

The many holocaustclaims were used to disquise their OWN exterminations and Holocausts against Mankind for asian bankingelite depopulation and kolonisationworks.
Herzl an academic and von hirsch a banker and jabotinski who started the betarmovement that delivered hitler and were 1920 present in Franche and Germany are some of the many exterminators and kolonisers.At the center of ALL these actions ALWAYS the bankerjews were around AND VERY Possibly THE leaders and organisers of it besided having any way all kinds of depopulation and reductionremarks.
ALSO 3th World helpmovements > EVERY TIME they cry about starving afrikans or some where else > those People IN REALITY are exterminated or their Nations taken over.
They Seem to abuse EVERY Institution and departments religions and laws money and politics a Very Criminal Racial way!
Also this time about Somalia > NOT ONE of the BY JEWS RULED helporganisations said some about the war that is going on in Somalia only about hunger. EXACTLY THE SAME they did more than 45 years ago with Nigeria already.ALL ONLY about starving "Biafrans "and if We pay some.NO MENTION about a british army that chased these Civilians out of their Nation so BP could have all the oil.At the moment there are oilwars in Somalia Nigeria again and some other Nations overthere.ALSO is it not a convenience that jemen and somali pirates were such a danger whole of s sudden since years they had to be engaged or Would the finds of oilsouches in Afrika and South Afrika be the better motive?
Jewish elite raping using abusing murdering All of Mankind.We the bills Sufferings and Sorrows they the profits and wealth.
But cyclon b ? ....try  > jews  1887 - 1987 who drove trains FULL of Civilians into Traintunnels and exterminated Them with the cyanidecristal and barrelmethode and spread the Remains along the tracks with Woodchippers befor during and after war in Scandinavia Russia Germany Polen Europe AND USA.
De soorten die ons al meer dan 8000 jaar verslepen en zo zwanger maken dat er semieten italianen spanjaarden franken en portugezen ontstaan zijn en vast allemaal op job cohen stemmen. De Child rapetoerist aka hulpbehoevende buitenlander die deze dingen zeer massaal doen

Dit gebeurd zeer massaal in Europe heden dus nog steeds. En ook op ZEER VEEL jongere leeftijden al en de zittende meute doet daar vanwege totale gecorrumpeerdheid op het zelfde gebied mede dat immigraties ze van gelden en persoonlijke voordelen als wat stemmen voorzien NIETS AAN en is mede hoofdschuldig om dat ze in 1972 al Rellen in de grote steden onderdrukten en uit het nieuws hielden om wat heden dus nog massaal gebeurd.
Maxima is directe familie van job cohen en job cohen weer familie van de puisant rijke bankiers familie cohen of kuhn.Rutte directe familie van angela merkel.lubbers aka loeb (hebben We al kuhn en loeb)familie van berlusconi dirupo en de li brothers uit china.van agt een rothschild.kok van admiraal cook.pechthold een nazaat van herzl.Alles adel bij erfopvolgingen als partijleiders van meeste partijen en leveranciers van alle presidenten.Wat Je ook Stemt Je stemt elitemafia.

Geplaatst door Pret | 11 januari 2012, 07:32
January 11, 2012 at 5:50 am

Nog even vermelden dat zelfs kranten kb historie OOK AL “vergeten is” om ook maar IETS over vergassingen en massa exterminaties of vergassingen van joden te vermelden.

Wel een 1961 eichman die van niets weet > en “cyclon b” op kranten kb intypen is ook wel grappig …HEEL grappig <

January 11, 2012 at 4:42 am

Als men op kb historie “herzl” intypt en de gemiddelde publicatiedata ziet men dat hij pas van af 1920 in de bekendheid kwam. En ook “AL en dat dus wereldoorlog twee en de nsdap geen sier te maken hadden met de joodse exodus naar Palestina. Herzl had omgang met zo wel de rotschulden als met von hirsch beiden bankiers.

Deze is ook wel grappig en laat zien dat zionisten herzljoden en revisionisten jabotinskijoden beiden joods kamp waren waar nu nietjoden om uit gemaakt worden als ze vraagtekens om sommigen hun beweringen claims en geschiedsschrijvingen hebben.
January 10, 2012 at 11:35 pm
Het wordt des te opmerkelijker wanneer je in ogenschouw neemt dat tijdens de VN Conventie in 1975 in Mexico VN-resolutie 3379 werd aangenomen. Deze resolutie stelt zonneklaar dat zionisme gelijk staat aan racisme en het dezelfde imperialistische kenmerken deelt met Apartheid en raciale discriminatie in al haar vormen!
January 10, 2012 at 3:05 am

Inderdaad een heel oude herodiaanse traditie van ze dat ze Ons op straffe van verbranding steniging kruiziging en op punt van floret ook kwamen brengen met hun talmud onder christendommom van kersteningen en dopen wat simpelweg louter verkrachtingen van Kinderen en babies was.Eigen Willetjes breken en aan hun belangen koppelen zo als verslavingen dodelijk devoot aan religien of welk instantie persoon of koninkrijk dan ook.

Al die zuidelijke volken hebben deze schaden als dwangmatig gedrag in hun culturen om dat het daar eerder gebeurde dan bij Ons.Europa ging als laatste onder.

Uiteraard geeft de uiterlijk Fysieke Heling Geen Enkel Beeld van de Zieleverwoesting en is heden nog DE Oorzaak en HET Gevolg VAN ALLE geweld en misdaad EN ALLE Krantenkoppen.
January 8, 2012 - 9:37 pm | Permalink

More on Brain washweapon christianity and religions where the islamic religions also are under jewish control since at least 8th century

“while a democracy is mob rule which we control through their Churches, our news media and economic institutions. Their religion is only another channel through which we can direct the power of our propaganda. These religious puppets’ stupidity is only exceeded by their cowardice, for they are ruled easily.” ”
January 9, 2012 at 4:18 am



by Professor Revilo P. Oliver (March 1991)

In any event, you will have seen immediately the drastic implication of the claim that the *Protocols* are the text of Herzl’s discourse in Basel. The *Protocols* obviously contemplate the conquest and ruin of the whole world, not the occupation of a shabby piece of unattractive territory in Asia Minor. That means that Zionism is itself just a gigantic hoax, like the “Holocaust,” devised to cover and facilitate policies designed to liquidate our race and annihilate the civilization it created.

Forward, to the abyss!””
Han says:
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January 8, 2012 at 9:36 pm

Here a diversity of General Info on the Subject also in the Comments.
Han says:
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January 8, 2012 at 9:34 pm

“The Bankers Want America To Lose World War III”

YES THAT IS WHY they are called the wandering jews.
Preying looting plundering parasiting for a while on a Nation or Nations and after they are done so once every 50 to 70 years when their banking pyramidescams start to fall apart they move on and usually throw them into wars exterminations disasters eodemics to divert and exterminate Witnesses Victims and Proof of what they did.The past 40 years they exported all Western Value toward mostly China (the kublai kahn heritants that ran over China 1000 years ago already and called lubbers aka loebs aka li aka also descendants of king karel v.Jewshadowsociety parasiting on Mankind as culture.Germany had them also to endure and Amerika seems the next Germany.Hateseeding for that as they did Germany earlier they already are doing Global and intensively.

IN FACT they …israel and the li brothers … already short befor WTC tried to vaporise all of Amerika and Western World in an atomic war by detonating a Russian warhead above Washington flown in from Jackson California to start such war. The Genocide attack against the Palestians short after that was also to use that as start for a global war. If the French Fighters had Intervened as was about to happen it would have started. And have you not Realised they are hateseeding between ALL atomic powers for years now?

EVEN their jewish terrorcollege from Germany the minister of defence herr guttenberg donated israel six submarines and immediately after that a South Korean Warvessel sank BY GERMAN TORPEDOS. Their jewish global Terrorismmedia made a North Korean Crime about it.North Korea also is an atomic power.

They robbed 30 Trillion Dollar And even much more from You as they turned the Whole Western World upside down for about four decedas to plunder it to the bone and biggest part of plunder had already ended befor the WTC attack what was a dusquise for the faillure of the bomb above Washington..After such habits ending they usually throw away the left overs.ALL of anti terrorcampagne ALSO IS EXCLUSIVELY layed up on Us divertion and Populationcontrol since they have at the moment not the means to doo it in one big blow.

It was supposed if the extermination of the Western World would have succeeded israel would rule with their islamic collaborators as soldiers and guards in and over Europe. Russia Britain and Scandinavia.And of course Amerika would get the same.That´s WHY the asian and islamic import is SO massive.
January 8, 2012 - 9:54 am | Permalink

In your link they speak about a herr hans ziegler AND his supposed BOOK.

Sounds jewish upfront BUT …it seems they already got hold of that at october 1939 where they state he wrote that short befor any worries with poland and told all of the World of course there supposedly would be plans to exterminate some? SURE !

What I Think….in Amerika ALSO the jewish kaufman and morgenthaubook and plans to exterminate All Germans with publications like “why Germany must perish” were active at SAME LEVEL … BUT the other way around.And publiced 1941 in the jewish new york times to seed racial hate among the Amerikans against Germany.

For That they also blew the Graf Hindenburg out of the Sky.

This Seems a SAME KIND of demonic work to seed racial hate like We have nowadas the hateseedings DAILY HATESEEDINGS against moslims ALSO directed BY JEWS all around and ALSO AGAIN pushed by their media AND ban and censorpolitics or Rahter Terrorisms.

OR WHAT ABOUT the chronic Homofile AND Pedofile prosecutions?
Homofiles AND Pedofiles are NO Child rapers BUT POLITICAL OPPONENTS!

The Ones they have chronically persecuted (Remember witchhunts crusades inquisition NEVER ended BUT You Could not SEE THAT) by media and churches The Others by justice and media to divide and dissolve the Inner Bond of Populations. A divide and conquerweapon like they have many including divisions by Poorness and scholarships.
“The Red Cross stated flatly there were no gas chambers.” Where is there proof of this statement for starters. What of the people who were there and saw the gas chambers, the dead bodies, the ovens and the belching smokestacks but lived to tell the world their stories. I have heard from them.

In a Nov. 22, 1944 letter to U.S. State Department officials, the Red Cross said: “We had not been able to discover any trace of installations for exterminating civilian prisoners. This corroborates a report which we had already received from other sources …”

Wednesday, 6 June 2007

Click to enlarge Scanned Document

"The New World Order"?
 Non0 that is projecting Your Attention toward tomorrow underwhile they rule from the first second they found Us 13.000 Years ago.
Also nwo and bilderberg (chemtrail niburu chemtrail reccesions euros dollars foreigners foreign Nations Poorness guilts  ""vaticanblames and slanders "" and media attentions  etc etc etc (Look into the jewwatch mediafolder for media ownerships of the World)) is a mediaspin to deflect.The Real Center of ALL jewdemonic Global planning organisation and execution IS AIPAC and All of their members.AND ruling and parasiting on Us they do for that 13.000 years already.
Did not already told your jewish teacher to "dont look back but make some of your future"!?
Bilderberg is just an kindergartenclass of from Births raised and indoctrinated slaves and soldiers  groups who for generations do not KNOW WHAT they are serving  WHO They will surrender Their Children to and how come they ALL hate their OWN PEOPLE OWN BLOOD EVEN OWN FAMILIES  EVEN OWN CHILDREN SO MUCH.As We ALL DO When We come from Kindergartens and Elementaries....AND academias.

You Must Know mkultra monarch(Besides the Butterfly ALSO Meaning Emperor) ARE NO new and modern sciences BUT MANY MANY MILLENIA OLD techniques to enslave and subdue Populations as the faraos and their priestcastes already 15.000 ago did Brain surgeries and ritual abuseworks to create humble little slaves and whores as whoreshipping populations.

Nailing Copper nails in the backs of Heads to destroy certain Brainareas were done to make docile slaves.Also nowadays they are into Brainsurgeries at a bit more sofisticated level BUT still SAME Brainareas as then they already knew about. MAN EATERS who play or I Hope played with their food like You Play with a cold chickenleg to Give You an Impression what spirit and Mercilesness We Discus.Mixing breeding experimenting with Human Beings Like We Do with a New  Oven or Kitchenrecepy  with the Garden or Plants.Calling them selfes god and owners of all Creation long Forgotten and even never Knew about The REAL GOD Our Creator AND Saviour These Times AGAIN.
Once We ALL belonged to their species BUT SOMEwhere because of the icemovements split of 100.000 years ago and Found by GOD Who Changed Us into Loving Carefull Beings Who Could Exist  and Stand Together With Out violence and wars in Love and Peace. EVEN Reality CHANGED And darkness was GONE!
Maby You ´ve Read Some about near death Experiences  and the Loving Caring Bliss of Light Harmony Comfort Tranquility TOTAL ACCEPTANCE and Peace They Reported about ? THAT IS OUR TRUE BEING Given By GOD. He Transformed Us And Out of That evil Christ was Born to Have an Ethernal Protection IN OUR LOVE Against any missteps that would ruin Mankind.
Sadly that Did not Protect Us against the tsunami  of gotten  much worse evil and darkness that wiped Us out like a Butterfly in a Hurricane that came over Us 13.000 years ago.

ALL THIS ALL of OUR HISTORY We KNOW  started some where once far away long ago with the rape of a Child and no Rescue around to Saviour.ALL ONE BIG compulsion from befor Time itself. A Child berried in a cosmos of total darkness hate hostilities threats Pains and being lost and each and every single ONE ALONE.

A compulsion  a complex a trauma Means a influence a damage beyond Human Capacity to Cope with it AND IS from the start OUT OF CONSCIOUSNESS OR AWARENESS  SO SUBLIMINAL(Sub"luminous" -DARK).That started the random (subliminal about the REAL motives and reasons as driving forces)  creation of  artificial ""OUTERHUMAN"" (ALL BUT The ROAD) Identities or egos or superegos.DISCONNECTED from the REAL Being Spirit AND an ABYSS between Us and GOD and Our True Spirit.We usually in the egosferes with ALL feelings of False guilt sorrows and Sufferings worries and Fears helpfullness and humble submissiveness and the jews in the superegosferes as  Babies and Children and Whole Societies raping abusing looting   blaming gods with out GUILT with out Mercy telling Us about rights and wrongs about guilts and pays and duties enemies bills and neccesities and keeping Us by any means neccesary in those kinds of profitable and easily  abusable Brainless status.
January 7, 2012 - 12:38 pm | Permalink

For millenia jews abuse the ( by them selfes) from their homes and Nations driven People for “kind christian moral ” IMMIGRATIONS toward Nations they want to destabilise and parasite on for a while to weaken Health Resistance anihilate Political Powers and have the immigrant be collaborators at the plunder and loot rape and murders Man trafficings and Child rapes.Also as THE scapegoats when the Shit Hits the Fans as they abuse kingdoms and royalties for that role and FACE ALSO as they DO political parties and president. Abusing Populations against Every other Populations and Eacht Other.

IMMIgrations and EMIgrations ARE jews armies!
Where they sit in ALMOST Every politics and governments and remove any Opposition to these CHRONIC atrocities devouring Nation after Nation People after People.
January 7, 2012 - 11:47 am | Permalink

And putting This in google also should get You on the Way about their christianity > The International Jew Vol. IV, p. 238

Also here are some entranches citations about jews entering through other channels

There also are a lot more herzls like the banker baron von hirsch that commited herzlian works in Armenia and south of america to depopulate and kolonise it. Afrika has got the british royals like prince philip that exterminates them. We in Europe do have the rothschilds cohens and loebs aka lubbers aka dirupo aka berlusconis aka chinese li´s aka ancestors of the kublai kahn who ran over China 1000 years ago already who robbed empty Europe now for decades.So every Nation Every Kontinent seem to have it´s herzl to exterminate and kolonise… exterminate Mankind where all wars seem to be to exterminate Mankind for they do not send their own Children in and benefit from every war .Jeshadowsoctiey preying and parasiting … the End on All Children even their own!

USA also got massive asian import aswell.

So if you are short of holocousts just Look here and there so now and then FOR PLENTY!

Them screaming for “one” holocoust made Us not See ALL others.
Like they them selfes scream about those two atomic bombs they THEM SELFES dropped on japan …AND We DO NOT See they burned the WHOLE of japan to the ground worse than those bombs and incinerated EVERY CITY like they incinerated 1000 German Cities AFTER WAR to the Ground with All Inhabitants IN IT! AND it took a very long while to get to Know they exterminated 40 to 60 Million People among them many jews for “antisemitismcharges” in Russia alone!

Asian askenasi plunder loot extermination and kolonisationprogramm for centuries already where the kublai kahn li family might be at the center of all of it. We pay for and finance Our Own exterminations aswell.
Your Suspicion about deliberately targetting your Area has got a hold in Reality that THEY DO aproach attack infiltrate take over slay rape drug extort poison and murder Opposition and oppositionsourches. And even have the habit of raping Family to break the Spirit.They also can try to start actions with abuse of law justice what they own and lawsuits and also that shitty slander with antisemitescreams.

When jews are buzy
January 6, 2012 - 11:04 pm | Permalink

Beware even Scientific Proof will not get You Safe because the jews who are evil and Criminal sourchepsychopats by culture mafiaculture preying on Mankind like jackals or bold vultures just wipe away all Evidence including scientist as they already did many times befor and loot and plunder on and on.

You Surely do have Experience already with jews who deny or disregard Logic and Evidence Sourches and Truthfull Spirit?

THAT IS to defy You to fight Truth and getting on having their ways with Us.
They also REALY DO have completely different souls and respond and see the World different than Other Human Beings.

This difference is Easily Learned by watching the differences between jewish and other commenters even pakistani ones over a period of time.They do usually not respond to reasoning and that are symptoms of sekt or cultraisings.

So only thing left then is Talk ABOUT them NOT with them. DO NOT believe them IN ANY THING.EVEN when speaking truths they time that to be profitable for them and damaging for Others.Draw OWN CONCLUSIONS ONLY with out them commenting THAT and Our Heads WILL STAY Much Clearer And More Sane!

EVEN jews as judge ARE a PILE of SHIT with an whole different understanding and only out to wipe You out and in EVERY CASE MOST CRIMINAL RASCIST out to earn as much as possible !

@Saggy the jews have a lot of bennefits and neccesities to persist in their holocoust lies and slander > it also is to disguise their OWN MUCH WORSE holocousts they commited against us !

They ARE False flagpeople what means they blame Victims of the Crimes they commit against Those Victims that keeps Victims quit and Falsely guilty.But as long as the Victim – they do that to Children too especial abusing schoolsystems and television – believes their slander the Victims REAL VICTIMS will be silent and Frightened … AND EVEN PAY…like prostitutes taken hostage by their pimps!
January 6, 2012 - 10:29 pm | Permalink
Here We have a good samaritan ban ki moon who is Caught stealing a Trillion Euro from Us!
January 6, 2012 - 10:00 pm | Permalink

Good to See the Fogs here already Discovered their brainwashweapon christianity that they brought 1 st century into Europe and called them selfes chrestiany krestiany krist or christians(krisna) and Us the White Fogs or slaves they called Us heathen and “after christianization – what simply IS Child rape to break Soul Spirit and Own Will Of Mankind – they called Us heathen christians like a sort of untermenschen secondclass Humans.Also Heathen is very likely derived from hitieten hitits of whom the last Man and His Woman were dragged out of their Hut and slaugthered by “fransosen francks” an already by christianization decayed people 800 years ago in north of what now is turkey for reasons of very christian deseast thoughts.The Hitits were the last People That went with GOD.

(Also Look into The late Dr. Revilo Pendleton Oliver, Professor of Classics at the University of Illinois His Works for the chrestianypart
# Beware Stormfront IS taken over by jews I Suspect!!! You Can Test Such EVERY WHERE Very Easily by comment some Sharp and Nasty jewcriticisms and See IF they Publish AND BY READING WHAT KIND of commenters ARE ALLOWED . As it is now only islamics AND WHITES of course as always are allowed to be smeared around no jews any more.But download the Reviro P Oliver Collection because He is a Very Good eighties Sourche Who then already Claimed about holocoust is a hoax and has got Some Remarkable Information on History)

And also they called Us jews up to 14th century where they robbed the Name they them selfes gave Us back to wear it them selfes as coats against guilt of their atrocities hidden in the Innocense of their Victims.As they now wear the holocoustcoat as hidingplace for atrocities they again them selfes commited against US and blame US for their evil.

The Story and problems with old Mankind of witch the asians or askenasi or nowadays known as jews were or are the worst is very old and a part is that they came with retreating ice age from behind the ice in the Iraki region from afrika 13.000 years ago where they were the faraos and intruded 10.000 years ago at Andalusia south of Spain with their slave armies and had Us enslaved and dragged away for thousands of years toward semites sumerians asia and afrika.

Their coming is in Our Myths Known as Ragnarok Götterdämmerung and Deluge.The deluge NEVER was a mass of water BUT a tidewave of darkness of utmost evil souls and behaviors that swallowed Us.Ragnarok and Götterdämmerung Refers to the Fact that GOD´s Creation ended and GOD died.Since then We had worlds full of crime rapes sins violence Poorness cold and death desaeses sorrows Fears hate wars and murder.All Trust Love Peace Beauty and Harmony gone.Or in other Words the World You were Born in and Know We got back for it.

It was Us who calculated and built the pyramids for them and also Noah as Moses were White People.Their Story is the Story of the White People NOT of the nowadays jews or in fact asians who also by DNA not even belong aswell in afrika as in Europe or middle east where We Lived up to beyond the Irakregion as Iran still was under ice.

The typo “Kaukasian” is Very Likely also from jews who found Us discovered Us in the Kaukasusregion.As ra(sungod ra) chist is theirs as fa chist is theirs as aryan is theirs and means pure nobel as swaktika is theirs a pakistani religious sunwheel or so.Even the yellow star is theirs and an 12th century old religious jewish measure to have boys from age zeven wear those colors.

Also the Story or better atrocity of Betlehem IS OUR Story where the asian or jewish king herod ordered the christianization of Bethlem by means of Child rape to break Our Spirits and Freedom and slay down EVERY Possible Upraising for ever in obedience and slavery by breaking Our Spirits at as much as young possible Ages up to Unborns.Besides rape and torture circumsizion is also one of those methods.

The biblic story of the Blood of the Lambs at the Doors as sign to escape the wrath of god(in Truth herod who poses as g-d since they as faraos already declared themselfes to be gods and owner of all Creation)who else would have them trotured slain and raped any way was a very strong eufemism for the Blood of the raped Children We had to smear on the Doors to show the soldiers We had bowed to the order.

Those atrocities they commited since then many many times through all ages usually described as “christianizations and crusades witchhunts and inquisitions prosecutions lawenforcements to break Resistance” and STILL We hear regularly about massrapes in Afrika but it is much more widespread and protected by law and their lawenforcment by just simply NOT Protecting Us against it when We are raped en masse by foreigners and other collaborators.ALL judges ALL prosecutors ARE JEWISH and ALL of them commited these crimes of mass rapes at Children at formost Campweeks and schooltrips.So there a Child can Not be Safe.And their soldiers ?….Try modern policemen instead of whom they have many jewish terrorcells in those forces also!

That is a method to berry Us alive in Our Own Souls and is an very very nasty state of NOT BEING worse than death.As they them selfes were berries long befor also the same way.One big compulsory behavior was ALL that was left of Mankind to be executed over and over again for many millenia with no Salvation Possible as the darkness was to strong for Any to Carry and Resist and every next crime it got worse.

Here is were that devlish christianity of the jews makes worst damage to gather Our truths and Believes and History OUR Stories And Sufferings and mix that up to them serving damaging works against Us instead of Healing and Helping Us any more at the same time making them selfes “the heros victims saviors shepherds priests judges presidents revolutionaries writers storytellers and marturers ” in All of Our Culture History Stories Realities and Truths.

Here also their psychopath fraudofabulousity and munchhaussen comes in again and again.Beware munchhaussen in no mental illness but a extreme cruel and criminal devlish psyche of a culture and very abundant in some of such cultures were you probably will have heard of pakistani who mutilate Children to can beg better? ALSO ALL initiationrituals ALSO Western ( ALL brought by jews as supressionweapon) are for munchhaussentype evil supression and abuse of Populations.

The social cutural religious and political ones all together.Even or maby especial where heros are honored!

Baptizing > a cruel ritual > in truth drowning Newborns and kill Them by suffication and then revive Them with absolute broken Souls as little frightened to death little humble slaves and instant stockholmvictims…a rabbi … islam and jew rabbi speciality who even intrude hospitals to can have acces to Newborns to rape and break Them.
January 6, 2012 - 10:23 pm | Permalink


ONCE a Population IS broken by these ways ONLY a symbolic behaviour is neccesary to break Children and Populations again and again . The associations and triggered at Babylevel deepest unconscious Fears will force the People to handle and raise the Newborn with same consequenses as it would have been drowned.So It Will Grow up in an abyss of Emptiness and hostilities and forced to comply to laws rules violence and duties but will never experience Human Behaviour Acceptance or Love and Kindness.Banished rejected and whole alone!

AND THEN …. there IS the jew waiting at school and church …. schools and churches and academies they also brought since millenia and stood in Byzantium already to can collect the Children….to can steal Their Little Souls ALL of Their Love And Loyality at Kindergartens and school and groom Them with lies slanders deceits false teachings and false warreligions hateseedings and humiliations besides severe sexual abuse and even prostitute Them in between classes for years.

Forcing Populations to rape and reject Their Own Children is a deceit to can have All of the Population All of the Children Their Love and loyalities … AND MY GOD what do they abuse and suck dry THAT Souls And Populations!

Sourchepsychopaths by culture also they are! Living death or demons!

And WERE rolemodel for films like count dracul like vlad the slayer like the night of the living death like the mengeles and hitlers where hitler who was raised by the jewish betarmovement is a very deasant JEWISH name and present on several jewish tumbstones AND hitlerjugend also by following Consequense IS a jewish organisation!
End Edit
In Europe they also by commiting atrocities to convince kings layed their lawsystems up on Us as for example they mutilated the Woman of king karel v so demonic and severely that he went grazy instant and they could push him to accept their laws and punishmentsystems they abused up to today to supress extort treaten plunder and rob kill and exterminate Populations and became known under king karel v as the Carolinalaws what were extremely demonic and cruel torture and terrorlaws .

And have an extremely wealthy existance since then preying on Our Sufferings they them selfes created. They were also the ones that forced Us by law to rape Our Own Children to deliver Them as “good” broken slaves whores and laborers to the powers and industry.

Also their moneysystems they layed up on Us with any means neccesary as terror and plunder weapons they also abuse to throw Us into endless guilt to have Us chained with that also into slavery to them and is one of the reasons We are in afrika (Libia to prefent kadaffi set up an Own Afrikan Goldcoinmoneysystem) afghanistan for that oil and gold …THEIR OILBUZINESS and moneytroubles. We again will get no cent from it BUT bills again to pay including wardamages et all.

ALL drugtrafficing is theirs for millenia also ALL Human trafficing also.EVERY drug alcohol and tobacco addiction done by them drugging Children at Kindergartens Campweeks and at schools.We are as Mankind One big carcas and they are the butchers and costumers.

So NO GOD NO Religion NO Truths NO Value No Salvation in Such works.
Geen elektroshocks
In het artikel (Trouw, 23 juni ) over het Jack Nicholson-retrospectief dat deze zomer te zien is in Amsterdam staat een fout. In de film 'One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest' wordt hoofdpersoon McMurphy niet 'mak' door de elektroshocks, maar door een lobotomie. Dat is een chirurgische ingreep waarbij de prefrontale hersenschors wordt losgesneden van de rest van de hersenen. Daardoor wordt de patiënt initiatiefloos en makkelijk 'handelbaar'. Dus niet de ECT was hier de boosdoener.

Jan de Leur Schaijk
I Believe your chant IS more "Repent and Hell Wil Release you
First install "satellites in your google earth AND LEARN HOW MANY there are in orbit amateur!
JUST satellites coming from behind horizon and lit by Sun you just passed!
mkultra and monarchprogramms have "alien" brainwashings om schools and campweeks for Children Who Posses Knowledge about jews and GOD! These will get a heavier special treatment or will be killes if that didnt help!This to ensure the absolute racial power and control on Earth for jewparasitesociety.THAT´s WHY ALL Kinder gartens schools and academics are infested by jews.
@bestchoiceeverr White Northern Populations Lived till13.000 years ago on Northern Globe up to past Irak.When old mankind came from behind the retrreating ice All Our Societies ceast to Exist and We became slaves and whores and even food for the asian Man eaterculture and their whoresoldierraces like the afrikans.Among others they dragged Us also to egypt as slaves and We calculated and built the pyramids for them.See fathersmanifesto white faraos 4000 BC. Moses WAS White.
@Tuck213 A WORLD OF PROOF just google your lazy ass for some weeks around on the Internet on the Subject like Every Deasant Mermber of Mankind and STOP playing the dead innocent jew????
@Tuck213 jewish global mafia playing demonic deadly games for ages already and earns trillions at it by scamming Us at ALL political agendas.ex nobilty that went underground with french revolution and do their crimes since then from behind facades like democracy bankings politics media monarch and mkultracrimes druuging and raping brainwashing Children by abuse of schoolsystems and campweeks and such demonic evil.Origibnating from asian Man eaters askenaZi of called nowadays by stolen
bheinemannify 1 sec. geleden
@Tuck213 Originating from asian Man eaters from japan or askenaZi or kazars and now known by stolen Name "jews"!
0:48 > 1:50 is one minute.So 121.000/60= about 2000 feet 609 meters a second?Twice the speeds of sound topspeed not included? WOW.
I See WHY global warmingscammers ...oeps I Said scientists kept Russian Data out of the calculations - Much less airtraffic there
With 40.000 liters heavy petrol like kerozine a flight and 300 Victims á crash worst transportation possible added up on that the come and go facilities even more worse.ONLY Sourche of global warming and kept out of THE SCIENTIFIC EQUASIONS.PAY PLEASE! Already more then 20 years ago Warnings were Publiced about the carbonhydrateblankets airtraffic produces...ALSO KEPT OUT OF THE SCIENTIFIC EQUASTIONS! PAY PLEASE!
@avedic WRONG With 40.000 liters heavy petrol like kerozine a flight and 300 Victims á crash worst transportation possible added up on that the come and go facilities even more worse.ONLY Sourche of global warming and kept out of THE SCIENTIFIC EQUASIONS.PAY PLEASE! Already more then 20 years ago Warnings were Publiced about the carbonhydrateblankets airtraffic produces...ALSO KEPT OUT OF THE SCIENTIFIC EQUASTIONS! PAY PLEASE!
@ichmalealsobinich Der judische oberscharführer carl silberbauer des judischen SS Daß von der judischen Betarmovement errichtet wurde und jude Hitler lieferte hat sie auf transport gestellt-google hitler+haplogroup
@sheyon1000 swastika is an asian symbol solarwheel and brought by askenasi or better known by stolen Name jews! Also aryan is asian and means nobel as the yellow star is an religious habit of jews them selfs dating 12th century where they pressed boys from age 7 and up to wear such symbols !
3:25 obama :I had an uncle who....BUT his uncle was a jew and part of the afterwar slaugterhouse jews made of Europe! ALONE in Holland they have 3.000.000 REPORTS of warcrimes against THEM that stil is hidden for 65 years now BY SAME JEWS in Our Governments!
Hitler was a jew and was raised by the betar aka boljewics aka communists aka askenasi aka nowadys known by stolen name jews from an asian man eaterculture! google hitler+haplogroup
JEWS ARE ONLY HOLOCOUSTDENIERS and conceiling their own atrocities against Mankind by FALSE accusations and claims about exactly what they did THEM SELFES ...TO US !
Hitler was a jew and was raised by the betar aka boljewics aka communists aka askenasi aka nowadys known by stolen name jews from an asian man eaterculture! google hitler+haplogroup
ZÉG Blonde Bén jij dé zo veelste die door die KANKERMOSLIMS VERKRACHT EN MISBRUIKT IS?
Hmm als er schrijnende Maatschappijke smeerlapperijen aan de orde komen Mond snoeren is ook wel een stijl van de global joodse uitvreetmafia mevrouw voorzitter ``Of Òp Kindér békken zitter! ZÒ houden ze zelfs ALLE IDENTITEIT Ván misdrijven VAN JODEN UIT ALLE Statistieken ÈN NIEUWS!...noémen zich nota bene nóg "dé übersóort"(alexander pechthold ...één herzl nazaat)óok!
Agema? IS DÀT ván de agema´s die in ww2 jodenjagers wáren en gezocht worden door de simon wiesenthalstichting waar bij de vader van ivo opstelten in de Rotterdamse gemeenteraad en ook de cohen en asherraden dan niet vergeten moeten worden die ook 703 joden op transport hebben gezet?!!!
Ah jop mijn fuhrer my lord my light...ÒF IS dit nou de heroineverslaving die spreekt die hij inspoot toen Ik Kind was en hij lekker van Me kon genieten zondér DÀT Ik Democratisch Inspraak HÀD? De would be king die pwa liet steriliseren en maxim a"zijn bloedzuster" zelf van drie Prachtige Kinderen voorzag mét begerig óóg óp óok nog eens dé tróon?Dé heroinelord én Kinder bordelenkweker!
@Tuck213 Zijn ALLEBEI lid van de zelfde global mafia.US wie er ook wint wie er ook verrliest in deze fake om jou te misleiden winnen doen ze zó ALTIJD voor eigen metier en eigen plezier ONLY AND EXCLUSIVELY.Global joodse mafia aka nobility aka black nobility aka Child porn ring aka aka en wat ze meer voor namen de eeuwen door hadden kort om elitejewshadowsociety en ex faraos.Slavelords en Kinder verkrachters!
Spam # is selling an inaccesible something and seemilngly spammed such the like products all over youtube
Spam # is selling an inaccesible something and spammed such the like products all over youtube
@theTRUTHprincess TOO MANY independant Sourches TELL the protocolls ARE AUTHENTIC and REAL! The course of History and happenings TELL up on THAT the SAME STORY! For TRUTHS about jews NOT listen to what they tell you BUT LOOK AT WHAT THEY DO! And TALK ABOUT them and NOT with them! Your Image Will be Clear much sooner that way!
JEWS ARE ONLY HOLOCOUSTDENIERS and conceiling their own atrocities against Mankind by FALSE accusations and claims about exactly what they did THEM SELFES ...TO US !

Btw donner hirsch ballin (van baron von hirsch"dé herzl van zuid amerika en armenie) en een balkenende diens mafiafamilie al in Afghanistan alle Eigendommen aan het confisceren was terwijl dé Echte Eigenaren nog druk hadden dóod te bloéden zijn van de zelfde club van dood en verderf.En nog wel veel meer van die soort is aanwezig en is belangrijk..ÈN DÙÚR ZEG!
En heeft vorig jaar in zijn fritzlkelder een Zoontje verwekt bij de oudste van de twee zijn 12 jarig dochtertje.Dat Ons met wet verbiedende ter uitroeing en slavernij aan hen daar hun wetgevingen op Onze Eigen Vrije Wil IN ALLES Onze Vrijheid vernietigd terwijl zij zich als meest Schadelijke rattenplaag op Aarde ongebreideld vermenigvuldigen volledig op ONZE Kosten! tinyurl(DOT)com/cobo9t3 tinyurl(DOT)com/6qgayl8
bheinemannify 1 seconde geleden

Hij is lid global mafia of adel die met de franse revolutie ondergronds ging en sinds dien misbruikt uitvreet ment en beheerst van achter facades als democratie wetgevingen diensten ambtenarij en belastingdiensten die zelfs immense Geldstromen rechtstreeks naar een van de ledenhuizen in china sturen de li´s of loebs of lubbers geheten.Tevens is hij close familie van angela merkel beiden van een oud adelgeslacht.
2) At the same time You loose sight about the REAL evil ones by not remembering and loose memorytortures at campweeks and schooltrips and by projecting hate toward an innocent GOD.That´s convenient for some slavekeepers! Sadly GOD´s Kingdom in Every Child is destroyed by rapings done by rabbis and other enslavers for millenia already. /watch?feature=player_embedded­&v=LT8n1xcLsr0
bheinemannify 1 sec. geleden

ALL these bibles and supposed words of god are to make you hate GOD and hate Him.
asians askansi aka jews since 600 years are for millenia already abusing religions to can enslave and abuse Us.Also islam christianity and ALL other religions are from the devil and against GOD and also are Child raper and warreligions.REMEMBER GOD´s Kingdom is IN YOU and NOT in words or books!
DNA Evidence No Man ever needed an ark and was 100.000 years ago not even in the turkeye region.Allso a chronic permanent presence of Mankind on Earth with out a waterflood from befor 100.000 years ago. > bradshawfoundation(DOT)com/jou­­rney/
@jpsmart59 Get that "smart" out of your name your logic is damaged.Building or fraudofabulising an ark does not automatically proof I have got a million Dollars or other fantasy should be reality.
@penguineatswalrus MABY they are Nothing BUT crimes and criminals AND ment for exactly THAT as I gave already some listings below...RIGHT? Always dangerous always paranoid and is it not out of fear then out of hate or greed!
@JimTLonW6 ""Seems like the best solution is to have one ark for Christians and one ark for Muslims. Not sure where the Jewish Ark would be though..."" AND OF COURSE IT WOULD BE THE ARK PLUNDERED FROM OTHER PEOPLE OR MADE BY THEIR SLAVES!
@bestchoiceeverr Please be aware they who are called atheists are on purpose made to hate any religion BY THOSE RELIGIONS to loose Faith Believe And Hope Truths Dignity Intelligence AND ANY FREEDOM and on purpose made them hate GOD to fall in the hands of the slavetraders and supposed shephards for ever as whores slaves and soldiers and such.
DNA Evidence No Man ever needed an ark for water the way is thought.A chronic permanent presence of Mankind on Earth with out a waterflood. > bradshawfoundation(DOT)com/jou­rney/
Watch ice  watch?v=C3Jwnp-Z3yE&feature=pl­ayer_embedded#! and watch?v=USIAcXfv39k&feature=re­lated
Earth was called Atlantis for obvious reasons by ancestors of the modern human race that came one million years ago toward Earth from a Planet they destroyed in an attempt to safe it.
Ararat is close to Iran and that was 13.000 to 8000 years ago ONE SEA of ice ALSO the DNA Evidence of sourches and spreading of Human Race around the Globe does NOT Match the claims OF ANY ark!
@penguineatswalrus If refering to My last answer to you you are wrong where it not concerns My Faiths or Believes BUT I Was Talking HARD FACTS about racial parasitic criminal rape and Child rape mafiacultures.Is NOT Believing any more BUT KNOWING!
Ever saw pakistani mutilate Children to can beg better? Some do THAT with WHOLE Races at once at the munchhaussenstyle!EVERY political agenda ARTIFICIALLY made to can enslave abuse and parasite ON YOU!
You should wear a burka when Speaking Can´t Concentrate on what you say Thinking Totally different things .There must be something disturbing?
@penguineatswalrus First of ALL it would be FACTS and No ideas.Next both are wrong religions and Child raper and warreligions from the devil who the askenas aka ex faraos aka nobility or black nobility or blue blood a asian jewish coretype is and layed them up on Us as brainwash and supressionweapons destroying Our Intelligence Freedoms Truths and Will.SLAVERY
WOW THAT dude is thorn apart by jewcultural Child rape torture and violence and is now a Baby serial raper! SHAME ON HIM! He MUST Go to ritual abusespecialists to Heal NOW HIS evil! He is askenasijewish by the way like joran van der sloot jack the ripper jared lee loughner dutroux fourniret robert m drent kim de wilde tristan van der vlis hitler mengele kaganovitch stalin trotski sobelson and communist cheka who also had such exotic deadly ideas etc.Maby FBI Should Help him GO befor massacer?
the texts at 6.00 and so on are Words about GOD mixed with evil twists of the askenasi and the Words made a jewslavetraderweapon to release guilt and evil up on Mankind.GOD does Not punish take revenge or Lifes in hate Because He is Unchangable His Own Truth For Ever.Man laws are for profit punishment revenge crime evil and supression brought and driven by criminals(already forgotten WHO again and again makes YOU Poor?) But GOD ´s Laws are to Protect His Creation YOU against decay and bad roads.
jews originate from japan and with their communism they commited also such atrocities here all the time they were here for over 8000 years.They originate from man eaters and made the Aboriginals start  to Dream 50.000 years ago.I Guess You Can Guess Your Self WHY?

@Naghdy1 Besides the film it self says at the start "the fascist dictators of "communist China" AND THAT IS jew all around ALWAYS WAS AND IS!Jews are the ONLY Fascists I Know Any Way and even Hitler was one so google hitler+haplogroup and be happy!

stop fucking blaming people dude
Naghdy1 2 uur geleden

@Naghdy1 WHY dont you want to know who gave you your addiction and why you so many times want to die?
bheinemannify 1 sec. geleden
@bheinemannify Sorry, I don't engage disenfranchised, anti-Semitic youth. 
snowleopard1937 1 uur geleden

@snowleopard1937 Btw you were a Baby too you know and the rabbibeast was around and See what they made you and did to your family! Where did YOU suppose your drugaddiction CAME FROM ? Rabbis and zionleaders inject heroin in your venes at Baby Ages already so don´t right you Me Please!
bheinemannify 1 seconde geleden

@snowleopard1937 who says rights are needed?
bheinemannify 1 sec. geleden
@HungKiet NOT khmer BUT jews who raise hate one time in the lower Nationlayers other time upstairs in the Nations and between Nations also and have the Nations fight till death against each other.Divide and conquer is not just a saying in church.They make even Children hate the Own Parents at Kindergartens and schools same like the vietnamese brainwashprogamms
IS NOT white woman BUT jewish you can SEE THAT by the asianlike black hair the asian and egytian and sometimes afrikan facial marks like the islamics and amerkan natives have also and even hitler was full blown askenasijew google hitler + haplogroup
All ARE jewish you can SEE THAT by the asianlike black hair the asian and egytian and sometimes  afrikan facial marks like the islamics and amerkan natives have also and even hitler was full blown askenasijew google hitler + haplogroup
All ARE jewish you can SEE THAT by the asianlike black hair the asian and egytian and sometimes  afrikan facial marks like the islamics and amerkan natives have also and even hitler was full blown askenasijew google hitler + haplogroup
The Khmer rouge a jewish bolsjewic action like ww1 ww2 vietnam libia afghanistan china korea all starvations all wars all crimes all Child rapes all rape of religions and societies all druggings all poisonings all voilence all Poorness from states and societies ARE # khmer sounds not by occasion like kazar kohan kogan khan kohn kuhn cohen what means priest in jewish kublai khan language who conquered china already 1000 years ago and tortures the world from there. tinyurl(DOT)com/7b56uvu

Khmer rouge a jewish bolsjewic action like ww1 ww2 vietnam libia afghanistan china korea all starvations all wars all crimes all Child rapes all rape of religions and societies all druggings all poisonings all voilence all Poorness  from states and societies ARE # khmer sounds not by occasion like kazar kohan kogan khan kohn kuhn cohen what means priest in jewish kublai khan language who conquered china already 1000 years ago and tortures the world from there.

@snowleopard1937 Ain´t they doing that right now then? But joke aside ...this IS how jews submisse nations and people and did this with the crusades also ...not in middle east BUT in Europe.Keeping whole Nations in charge and slavery with traumaprisons preferably at Child and Baby Ages!That is WHY their rabbis rape and drug and torture Babies and in Kindergartens in churches and schooltrips and campweeks and even in hospitals.
@sylviabaaaby Also jews are massively on heroin as consequense because their state and religieus leaders rape circumsize drug and abuse them as Children.So what a life is that always afraid for to little to late and to much evil? Death is preferable above that kind of living death.
@sylviabaaaby most victims of jews ALWAYS WERE jews so no swet.Only recently israel and the chinese jew li aka loebbranche tried several times to fry all hundreds of millions jews in the western world russia usa britania scandinavia with tries to start atomic wars.So any executioner will be fried with any one else.Jews are biggest group in every nation and always were so are killing among each other like grazy mad cows.So sit back and Look!
Simon zei

    Nog meer de echte slavenhandelaren en ook dé échte ss ers en bruinhemden

    De werkelijke slavenhandelaren ÒNDÀNKS wat school geschiedenis en tv ÈN JOODSE WETGEVER zeggen:

    En google: The American and Foreign Anti-Slavery Society Report of 1853

    En dé ECHTE SS ers bruinhemden die ver voor 1939 al begonnen Europa en Duitsland te infiltreren van uit hun bolsjewistisch rusland en polen onder allerlei vele verenigingen en societies met namen als betar en menorahmovement waar bijj aangetekent MOÈT Wórden dat Adolf Hitler ZÈLF Òok VOLLEDIG JOODS WAS waar voor hitler +haplogroup gegoogeld kan worden.

    Elizabeth Dilling

    - In the Museum of the Revolution we were shown a huge world map. As our Guide turned a switch, lights came on indicating the places all over the world where Communist Party headquarters were then functioning. Proudly our Guide announced: "Our world revolution will start with China and end with the UNITED STATES."
    3 januari 2012 08:20
""Redactie January 3, 2012 at 9:28 am  Norman Finkelstein:  ""

Ja een onmenselijk gebeuren en misdaad.
Deze vondst dat ik zag van U  op twitter mag ook wel genoemd worden redactie

Ook dat wisten de Duitsen Waarachtig niet.

De werkelijke slavenhandelaren ondanks wat school geschiedenis en tv zeggen:

En google: The American and Foreign Anti-Slavery Society Report of 1853
January 3, 2012 at 12:56 am

Your comment is awaiting moderation.

January 6, 2012 - 4:08 pm | Permalink

Aside jews have very high psychopathnumbers and munchhaussen and fraudofabulousiesymptoms ( to can disappear in a new story testimony life or identitiy with out memory) there als is an other sourche to create witnesses.> monarch and mkultra<

(It is for truhthunters an Idea to also Look into the Given Symptoms of Mental Syndroms including Helsinki and Stockholmsyndroms.

You will Recognize a lot of the habits and symptoms even in your daily politics and politicians…like the Fact ALL political agenda IS SET UP FAKE AND TRILLIONSFRAUDS.A munchhaussensymptom.

Simon said…

The holocoustwitnesses can after war be made by jews with monarchtechniques and role plays where in the Victims suggested to be in concentrationlagers.

Creating False Memories is a keypart in monarch to can exterminatie Real Evidence and Testimony or to set up against future targets by layers of False Memories over it and by the same time by torture destroying the True Information or berry it usually so deep it takes a horse to get it.

Most jews are indoctrinated any way
Simon said...
    The holocoustwitnesses can after war be made by jews with monarchtecniques and role plays where in the Victims suggested to be in concentrationlagers.
    Creating False Memories is a keypart in monarch to can exterminatie Real Evidence and Testimony or to set up against future targets by layers of False Memories over it and by the same time by torture destroying the True Information or berry it usually so deep it takes a horse to get it.
    Most jews are indoctrinated any way.
    Friday, January 06, 2012 10:53:00 PM
Precies áls Rusland verging Àls Europa en Amerika en Westerse Wereld Nu vergaan en áls de islamitische wereld ook zal vergaan!
January 6, 2012 - 3:07 pm | Permalink

Try Post again with out it seems the ht-tp hassle…

Any One Interessested in THE REAL NAZI´s SSérs and beasts and lisa the lissards?

The Painfull ways of the holocousthoaxdemons –

Betarmovement of communist jews raised Hitler who happens also to be a jew.Google hitler+haplogroup for that.

When jews took over Russia around 1900 they have set up for that more than 500 groups like later in Europe they also did with such as menorah and betar and were 1920´s massively and fully active present in Germany and Franche.

Some REAL slavetraders
And google: The American and Foreign Anti-Slavery Society Report of 1853

They also use wildlifeprogramms and Wild Parks to destabilise and depopulate Nations and exterminate Mankind

And some of the daily fun –

@Dietz Schnickelbauer December 2, 2011 – 7:56 pm
8 and 80 You deasant Human Writer?
Expect between ZERO AND DEATH and ALL in between as their rabbis by religion and culture rape and drown Babies to break their Own Will and Freedom! The chekaslaughters did not stop at the Russian Borders but reined for years in afterww2 in Europe also. Maby look if You Can Find some of the online autopsy reports and Fotos the Germans did make of 58.000 German Children Women and Men where the Babies also are involved of the bolsjewic slaughter of Bromberg that was commited to get ww2 started.

Also Concerning the Topic of This Above Article IS a Thought to Can Expect THAT EVERY TIME from befor 1900 till now every time they made holocoustclaims they WERE HOLOCOUSTING AND SLAUGHTERING THEM SELFES among the Nations And Mankind.

The about 1900 claims come together with the Armenian genocides.
The around ww2 claims with massive genocides in Russian German AND Amerikan Regions.And ALL after ww2 screaming about holocousts they were chronically them selfes holocousting and not ONLY Palestina.

Also Take a Look in the genocidefolders of jewwatch an realzionistnews.

Also the Fact has arrived they even abuse 3th worldmovements as discuise for genocides and atrocities.

in the sixties We had Biafra where 3 Million starved .It took more than 45 Years to Find out these were NO Biafrans BUT Nigerians driven out of Nigeria for the BP oilbuziness.
NOW We have 10 Million starving Somalis at hand >>>THEY SAY — BUT in All of afrika are at the moment massive waractions at hand again for oilsourches.Big oilsourches are found in southafrika and usa.I Guess Here als AGAIN it are not all somalis BUT driven away nigerians ugandese kenians and from some other countries as well. And isn´t it a convenience jemen and libia and that somali pirates were a such an evil whole of a sudden they had to be engaged???

Sorry only dutch artikle –

It seems EVERY war We are thrown in is a JEW culture and economy preying on Our Flesh and Souls.Since they came 2800 years ago to stay definitely after they were thrown out of afrika We had MORE than 32.000 wars.Befor THAT NONE and NOT ONE!
January 6, 2012 - 2:36 pm | Permalink

Sorry @DanD Also the ku kux klan WAS JEWISH and just an other jewish racehatetool like mlk like mandela and more of such racial weapons as they now at the moment also produce in China and iran and also did in Libia and Syria .

Maby You remember mandela as racial hero of the “by Whites of course” supressed afrikan slaves? Truth IS mandela WAS a masmurdering terrorist who got 30 years(ONLY) for murdering hundreds of men women and children at trainstations with bombattackts and also inventor of the necklace…a burning cartire around the necks of the unwilling.

At the SAME TIME jews started 1900 the boerwars and after these wars ALL mines copper silver gold were theirs and they THEM SELFES introduces severe racial seperations…on name of White Fogs of course for they ARE the false flag and kristallnachtleute.

YOU are also raised in an racial seperatist system so defined and sofisticated you never all Life long will Recognize you are together with the negro the negro under jewregime in Own Nation and in Own Life.Where the schools taxes and academia are also racial separatistweapons next to chronically seeding Deseases and Poorness among Natives and other Non jewish Inhabitants slowly exterminating all Non jews and take over more and more each generation.TV and media newspapers and movies are ONE BIG LIE and help those demonic ways like they keep the holocoustlies alive for 65 years now. ALso MOST jewpeople are lied to from with out the elitekasts for millenia already and wander the Earth as much as long by religious and media deceit to fight and plunder loot and murder for their lords of never enough.

And a link how they even use Wild Parks and environmentall movements as exterminationweapons
January 6, 2012 - 2:14 pm | Permalink

@Beretta then maby Target Students and academic students because they are the butchers for a lie and some bacon of tomorrow.Targetting Also the forgotten groups of officials police lawenforcements politicians in asmap Nations and China to learn Them Truths and Facts already Safed many Lifes and can Help Reduce stateviolence.
January 6, 2012 - 10:03 am | Permalink

Your comment is awaiting moderation.

Any One Interessested in THE REAL NAZI´s SSérs and beasts and lisa the lissards?

The Painfull ways of the holocousthoaxdemons –

Betarmovement of communist jews raised Hitler who happens also to be a jew.Google hitler+haplogroup for that.

When jews took over Russia around 1900 they have set up for that more than 500 groups like later in Europe they also did with such as menorah and betar and were 1920´s massively and fully active present in Germany and Franche.

Some REAL slavetraders
And google: The American and Foreign Anti-Slavery Society Report of 1853

They also use wildlifeprogramms and Wild Parks to destabilise and depopulate Nations and exterminate Mankind

And some of the daily fun –

@Dietz Schnickelbauer December 2, 2011 – 7:56 pm
8 and 80 You deasant Writer?
Expect between ZERO AND DEATH and ALL in between as their rabbis by religion and culture rape and drown Babies to break their Own Will and Freedom! The chekaslaughters did not stop at the Russian Borders but reined for years in afterww2 in Europe also. Maby look if You Can Find some of the online autopsy reports and Fotos the Germans did make of 58.000 German Children Women and Men where the Babies also are involved of the bolsjewic slaughter of Bromberg that was commited to get ww2 started.
Lisa besides you are about the so maniest hundredthousand´s one who says to have witnessing familymembers about gassing you are the one that can answer My Question then of : WHY is not ONE autopsy report known to Mankind about one gassed Person even jew or non jew?

WHY weren´t there not dussens of such autopsyreports at the Nürnbertrails or at least ONE?

And is it not strange there seem to be more people alife  "and earning as usual"  that witnessed gassings as they seem to testify then there even where casualities in all war....AND ALL survived also those supposed deathcamps?

Please explain...

ALSO "As Hitler’s master plan became apparent"...IS NOT possible because 50.000.000 50 MILLION Researched PIECES of German waradminstration TELL AND TESTIFY there was NO exterminationplan and not was there ANY  gassings or mass exterminations by Germans.

ALSO the adminstration testifies NONE of the jewish claims to be true.

Besides that overkill of Proof also the IRC international red cross who had acces to ALL camps until END 1944 has got NO report about ANY atrocity or warcrima from German side during the war.

Besides THAT even EVERY Newspaperarchive in ALL the WORLD seems to have forgotten to write down EVER ANY STORY  about ANY gassings mass exterminations or German atrocities and it would have been frontpagenews.SO there WAS NONE.

@Andreas you must be the housefool here?


If Ayaan Hirsi Ali would have become President Here you would not hear Me complaining Because She was a Good Human Being what is the opposite of what We in holland have now at the moment for minister president mark rutte a Child molester who impregnated his oldest 12yo of the two daughters in his frizlcellar and she gave birth to a Son on aruba know ...from Natalee holloway joran van der sloot and the strange parties with youths and children?
Iran...what about Iran had jew BP drilling in 1907 already?
Was under jewamerican control during the cold war for decades?
And as it is in all nations with irak afghanistan haiti libia jemen and soon syria added to that  STILL under jewcontrol and all iran israel newsbrags are jewgame?

The racial tensions derived from it did industry of "some" much good already and treatening closing the strait of ormuz also is very profitable for "some" jewoilbuziness and weaponsindustry?

And beside that : WHY would israel sell plutonium from japan to Iran as they did toward china and south afrika if they realy would feel treatened?

War and suffering ( Our Sufferings) is buziness as usual to some gruesome "elite" cultures befor more known as nobilities!
Anonymous said...

    "The only places that you'll receive an accurate history lesson concerning any part of history is at an Ivy League University. Why do you think those places nearly exclusively admit elitist children only? You've got to be one hell of an intelligent commoner who has clearly demonstrated complete loyalty to the global elitist aristocracy in order to be an exception, i.e. Obama & Maddow."
    26 November 2011 17:24
Yea academy and schools et all as jewish racial separation indoctrination brainwash(monarch )and supressionweapon as they are overwhelmingly present at those locations  instead of Natives and are for 50% on False degree to keep the own numbers up to keep the racial upper layer under own power.
Since war We had in the netherlands no Native president I Guess every where else it will be no difference?
This explains the above 29 December 2011 07:41 some more

The Jewish Plan for Genocide of USA Whites

ISRAEL COHEN (1912) top of page

"We must realize that our party's most powerful weapon is racial tensions. By propounding into the consciousness of the dark races that for centuries they have been oppressed by whites, we can mold them to the program of the Communist Party. In America we will aim for subtle victory. While inflaming the Negro minority against the whites, we will endeavor to instill in the whites a guilt complex for their exploitation of the Negros. We will aid the Negroes to rise in prominence in every walk of life, in the professions and in the world of sports and entertainment. With this prestige, the Negro will be able to intermarry with the whites and begin a process which will deliver America to our cause."

Israel Cohen, A Racial Program for the Twentieth Century, 1912. Also in the Congressional Record, Vol. 103, p. 8559, June 7, 1957

And a reality

Europeans hate Jews due to their slave trading

Polish scholar Adam G. de Guroswki, who travelled extensively in
the United States, wrote in his 1860 book Slavery in History:

The Jews were the common mediators and factors in this traffic (child slave trading), as well as the most extensive slave-traders all over Europe, both then (4 & 5th centuries A.D.) and in subsequent times; and a considerable part of the hereditary hatred of the European masses towards the Jews is to be ascribed to this historic fact.

Minister Farrakhan - History and Truth of the Slave Trade

And some 1943 jewish SS trainingcamp
"en als tweede is er geen fysiek bewijs"

Nog geen eens één autopsie van één vergaste Mens of nou joods óf ander zijds.Enkel veel geschreeuw al 65 jaar op de buis en de Peuterschooltjes thát is it. Als men enkel al de 58.000 weerloze Burgers die door joden gruwelijkst in Bromberg zijn afgemaakt gaat bestuderen hebben zelfs de Duitsen in oorlogstijd nog uitgebreide autopsieberichten van gemaakt.

Sja zo komen de Waarheden dan binnen druppelen....
@RonnyNaftanielop3 hours ago
Fotocollectie van de Joden die tot midden 1943 door de Gestapo getraind zijn in Gross-Breesen Duitsland

WAAR ÓM  hebben ENKEL de joden eigenlijk ALLE oorlogsmaterialen documentaties en fotos?

Dacht dat dát bij overwinnaars behoorde en niét bij arme kleine volkjes van beroepsslachtoffers en fakemartelaren van Christusvervangers?
By nickola, 01-01-12, 05:06 PM
I remember israel getting six subs from jew guttenberg defenceminister in germany and soon after that a South Korean Warvessel sinks by german torpedos. Depopulations they did Europe als with wars Poorness murder plunder and poisons.
People like this are abused by our dark nwo lords for racial Criminal purposes.Nelson mandela martin luther king and an albayrak and some chinese lady to raise racial tensions and hostilities and supress Natives in Their Own Nations.

It also is a very sure certainty he is Criminal and has a record like al did because such types are very collaborate and silent about the real purposes of their acts.Like nelson mandela had 30 years because he bombed a railroadstation and killed several hundreds of men women and Children.And mlk was an alcoholic serialraper with a record as long as a stockpile of toiletpaper.The chinese lady had housearrest for killing a partymember ... and so on our heavens paved with filth and crime.
Did doctor bub equate the more than 8000 years asians afrikans and islamics dragged Us from Europe?

And is the only reason black hair exists in Europe and the only reason portugese spanjards exist as damages by rape and slavery of Redhaired and Blonde White Europeans.

Also slavebuziness NEVER was a White issue other then being slave.Just follow the money and ownership of slavetrades and slaveships and You Know where the money and real abusers went.
@falco geheel de geschiedsschrijving is verdraaid en allerminstens ten voordele van de zich heden jood noemenden vervalst áls Óók geheel de geschiedschrijvingen omtrent de 2de wereldoorlog én wié WIÉ geholocoust geextermineerd HÉÉFT!.

De BLANKE Bevolking heeft van begin geen Kans tegen de askenazi alias heden joden gehad en werd tm 14 eeuw ZELF "de Joden" genoemd door die askenazi.

De joden brachten dat christendom zelf en misbruikten dat als Volkenmenwapen en waren en zijn altijd al ENIGE slavenhandelaren en vervolgers geweest ÉN NÓG!

Wednesday, 16 November 2011
Europeans hate Jews due to their slave trading

Polish scholar Adam G. de Guroswki, who travelled extensively in
the United States, wrote in his 1860 book Slavery in History:

The Jews were the common mediators and factors in this traffic (child slave trading), as well as the most extensive slave-traders all over Europe, both then (4 & 5th centuries A.D.) and in subsequent times; and a considerable part of the hereditary hatred of the European masses towards the Jews is to be ascribed to this historic fact.

En dat is nog maar een eufemisme want zelfs het katholicisme werd opgezet om de gelovigen tot ongeremde voortplanting aan te zetten te dwingen op straffe van verkrachting en moord. Menig Geliefde droeg zijn doodgeneukte Vrouw het Graf in waar door het Protestantisme ook Geboren werd.

De ritsen Babietjes en Kinderen werden door de joden naast misbruikt aan afrikanen semieten en elders verkocht.Onze 8000 jaar oude Blanke botjes werden laatst nog in China opgegraven dus dat gaat al een tijdje.
Yes the jews commited those atrocities in Europe for several thousands of years also.3000 to 8000 yeard old remains of their Man eating culture are found now through all of Europe
kmehr rouge? ALL THOUGH marxistic genocides usually IS JEWISH racial Genocide and plan of extermination of Mankind!
are jewish chicksas black hair asian look and their pimp hitler also was jewish google hitler+haplogroup and learn HOW DEEP your own religion and leaders scammed you.
Ewsay 1 reactie ingeklapt Inklappen Uitvouwen
Die niggas ZÉLF zingen toch steeds ván niggas bitches en pussy? Dúrft ze dr vent er niet óm uit te foeteren dán een Onschuldige Weerloze Blanke wél dié HÉT Óók máár ván háár vént via mtv hééft?

I Hope she Can Read Dutch?
"N.I.G.G.A. = Never Ignorent Getting Goals Accomplised - Tupac"
HAHA Lévensgevaarlijk Ignorant Zou Ik Zó Zeggen >
I Hope she Can Read Dutch?
"N.I.G.G.A. = Never Ignorent Getting Goals Accomplised - Tupac"
HAHA Lévensgevaarlijk Ignorant Zou Ik Zó Zeggen >***h/
@metalfist616 Wen Man Zeitungsarchive Welt weit Untersucht Findet Man nicht einmal éin Bericht des suggerierten holocaustes.Und gibt es denn mengele und vernichtungslagern gar nicht weder ein Deutsches kriegsverbrechen aber des allierten jé mehr inclusive versenke 12 Japanische Red Cross Schiffe. Google auch mal hitler+haplogroup

ein neuer Genozid läuft schon seit Jahren, nur ist es kein herkömmlicher d. sich gegen eine ethnische Gruppe richtet. es sind die nicht privilegierten u. ungebildeten Menschen, die systematisch in den Tod getrieben werden, sei es mit fehlender zukunftsperpektive, extremer Ausnutzung oder sonstigen Repressionen. Jeden Tag verhungern tausende Menschen weil die reichen und mächtigen mit Nahrung spielen ( spekulieren ), oder nehmen sich das Leben weil es keine Lebensqualität mehr gibt.

Größter Genozid des 20. Jahrhundert?
Allein schon während des durch judische Bolshewiken verursachten Holodomor in Ukraine starben 7 Mio an Unterernährung. Ukraine galt schon seit jeher als Brotkammer von Europa. Zusammengenommen starben im 20. Jahrhundert ~100 Mio russische/slawische Menschen. Das nenne ich den größten Genozid. Dem Rest stimme ich zu.
Veel Sietskes in de Lucht de laatste tijd.
Vier Kinderen krijgen van diverse "lovers en geen hond die wat merkt en dán een justitie en overheid die de betrokken lovers niet belichten en We niets van Vernemen?
Vast een zó veelste klokkenluideronline achtig zaakje van de Kinder serie misbruikers in de overheden en wetgevingen.

Trouwens Mijn Moeder had ook wel eens een Zusje van Mij de Keel doorgesneden om Haar te Verlossen van de joodse Kinder misbruiken zo als Zij Zélf dát Óók Had Beleefd.Voor meeste Slachtoffertjes van joden is de Dood een Verlossing.

Een ander Zusje van Mij was in een snuffmovie les temps du Christ geheten Vermoordt door roman polanski en dries van agt die ook dé hoofdrollen speelden .Gaten in Het Borstje onder Haar Tepeltjes gestanst waar in ze Haar neukten ... van agt links en polanski rechts.

Ik ben in die wereld op gegroeid de eerste twaalf jaar van Mijn Bestaan en Begrijp wat daar achter Kan Zitten en Kan Ze dát dan Óók Vergeven.

Dán die Sietske ...eenzaam ...meermalige Zwangerschappen ...erg weinig berichtgeving en aandacht in de media dan zij zélf.

Is Vast een geval a lá Marianne Vaatstra en Milly Boele waar bij het onderzoeksinstitutt NFI al hele Fanwebsites heeft omtrent hun chronisch Falen specifiék waar het Kinderen en Jongeren Betreft.Dán IS ér die pieter kalbfleisch nóg die Landelijk monopolie óp bedrijven en bezitten van Kindercreches voor zijn Misbruikmeute belegd had...én vast ook scholen daar alle scholen én zelfs academien door joden bezet zijn of handlangers islamieten en afrikanen.Robert m. drent dutroux fournirét polanski joran van der sloot kim de wilde zijn niét uniék maar veel voorkomend afgedekt door joden in de wet media en overheden.

Wees Voorzichtig met oordelen óm Zulke daden Je Weet Niét Wát de Waarheid is.Wié Wéét Heeft Ze Haar Kindtjes Één ÉRGER Lot Bespáárd?
Kerst  Boom met Lichtjes ÉN PAKJÉS ér onder.
Belóftes lóon én WARMTE!

Boom des Levens IS GOD
Boom der Kennis IS GOD
Licht IS GOD

Rood Kleur van de Liefde VÓÓR GOD

Kerstboom Pakjes industrialisatie Van Liefde en Geloof en afbuiging naar dat geloof dat de duivel Ons bracht met zijn Valse woord

Christendom gebracht door de asiaat om tussen Óns én GOD te zetten en al Onze Liefde en Geloof te transformeren tot industrie en horigheid oorlogen roof en kruistochten én uitvreten van Volken en Kinderen Vérkráchtén

Kerst ...dé dóód van Christus ván Óns Ware Aan Geboren Geloof ...én als loon voedsel en pakjes zo als de asiaat Ons de eeuwen door mét hongersnoden veroorzaken weer dat geloof in joeg...één eeuwig Winter 1944 áls bescháving staat en overheid ruil vóór dé dóód ván Christús Èn Zijn WÓÓRD!

Onze Band Mét GOD En De Waarheden breken en Ons chaos leugen en Leed dér dwalingen in jagen.

Een deeltje der kersteningen speelt zich ook in Wieg en Kindergarten áf met veel pijn sex én geweld en véél zuigen háppen én slikken mét gebroken Ribbetjés en Ledemaatjés mét VÉÉL KOU om niét áán gewéld én honger te sterven "Jij Doét niét Wát Jij Wil máár wát zij willen". Jé in dé WIEG AL tót HOÉR transforméren...kérstenen.

Diepst breken van eigen Wil ván Hele Volken als cultuur ván joden té duúr.´t Wás niét óm niks Dát de priesters en rabijnen ér bij wilden zijn áls Kind Geboren wérd en schóól én kérk én politiédiénsten Wáár Angst vóór staat wet en overheid ér diéper dán vóor hells angels IN wérd gedréven én  óók té dúúr wás. ´t IS niét óm niks dát Men ze dán wél vaker met elektriciteitsdraden én hámers Zag slépen. ´t IS Óók niét om niks dát justitie speciale officieren van justitie hééft ÁLS Dé Herinneringen Ván Een KIND Hét DÉRDE Lévensjáár Passéren! Áán naftaniel  én politiéagenten én rechters én ovjs  Kun Je bij voorbeeld erg Goéd Zién wat ze zulke Babietjes dán héél devóót láter kunnen láten doén.

´t IS Dát deKreek de zó véélste Bedrogen Kiezer IS Mét Zijn Onwetendheid  keuze én indrúk van politici Ándérs Hád Ik  Óm dé opmerkingen   Tóch Zéker Smakelijk Geláchen!

Áls Je dé  kérstgéést van christendom overheid en staat wát wil Beseffen ..Dénk Áán hells angels áán mafia áán holleeder koos h. dutroux fournirét belastingdienst  Wijkterroristen loverboys > dát ZIJN ÉCHTE christenen zó áls ze Óns die leer kwamen ópleggen mét vuur zwáárd geweld én veel stijve pik...én hét roven ván Alles.Ik Noem deze groepen als voorbeeld dát wellicht haalbaar is wát besef té verkrijgen óm wát Óns gebeurde om dat de overheid wetgevers staat  koningshuizen én askenaz aliás joden aliás asiaat ván allen Hét Méést  nóg ééns zo veel  bedreigender zijn of waren dát Bewustzijn gebruikelijk niét mogelijk is.Ook een Sóórt Doublebindsituatie mét Moeder.Helsinki en Stockholm Syndromen áls metropolen...planéten Zélfs!

Sluiten nóg snél effe vóór de Winter 3000 Ván Dé Méést Árm gemáákte Léég Gezógen beróófde Weerloze Vérkráchtte "klémgezétte  Families van Gas en Licht áf ...ÁLS ÉCHTE KÉRSTBÉÉSTEN! Woékéraccijnsen gáán immers vóór Alle MENSELIJK Leven ÉN Álgeméén Belang!De rijen vóor dé Voedselbanken worden steeds langer...ÉCHT christelijk zó áls Ik DÁT KEN ...dévóór dánkend kliekjes halen ván Óns EIGEN beróofde BEZIT!´t IS NÓOIT ÁNDERS Gewéest Mét Dát plundérchristendom ván de bankenlords!

"N.I.G.G.A. = Never Ignorent Getting Goals Accomplised - Tupac"
HAHA Lévensgevaarlijk Ignorant Zou Ik Zó Zeggen >

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